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Showing 241-250 of 254 results

US UNIONMADE clothes not made by unionized workers

21 November, 2012Now and then an example pops up that typifies the shameless hype of the fashion industry. The case of the San Francisco retailer UNIONMADE is one such example.

Cold Facts: H&M garments produced in miserable working conditions in Cambodia

6 November, 2012Kalla Fakta (Cold Facts), an investigative Swedish TV show on 24 October, exposed poor working and living conditions under which H&M, one of the leading fashion brand’s garment products are produced.

Lesotho workers march for a living wage

1 November, 2012Not accepting delays in the gazetting of minimum wages in Lesotho, 1,000 garment workers marched to the Prime Minister’s office on Monday 29 October 2012 to demand a living wage.

UK workers paid less than living wage

1 November, 20125 million workers in the UK are paid less than a living wage, according to research by KPMG, on 29 October 2012

Fighting for a living wage in Nicaragua

30 October, 2012Garment workers in Nicaragua producing high-quality apparel are earning barely 40 per cent of the government’s ‘basket of goods and services’. Let’s take the case of Veronica.

Lesotho workers march for a living wage

26 October, 2012Refusing delays in the gazetting of minimum wages in Lesotho, garment workers are planning to march on the Prime Minister’s office on Monday 29 October 2012 to demand a living wage.

Flame for workers’ rights passes to Sochi and Brazil

19 September, 2012The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games ended on 9 September, and the Play Fair campaign now shifts focus to ensuring future Olympic and World Cup events in Sochi and Brazil have concern for the rights of workers at their core.

Improving working conditions in Philippines EPZs

22 August, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) affiliates met with sportswear brands and suppliers in Cebu, the Philippines, on 17 August to discuss the barriers to workers’ rights in the Mactan Economic Zone, and explore possibilities for improving working conditions in the Zone.

Light the Flame for workers’ rights!

27 July, 2012The Olympic games commence today and IndustriALL Global Union is calling on all affiliates to take part in a Play Fair e-action to light the flame for workers’ rights.

The true cost of Olympic uniforms

18 July, 2012Recent debate in the US about Team USA’s Olympic uniforms being produced in China has sparked controversy on the trend of clothing multinationals resorting to cheaper production in developing countries. This trend is not new and continues to impact workers in low wage countries, Play Fair demands that multinational companies do more.