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Showing 141-150 of 196 results

IndustriALL makes joint declaration demanding Just Transition at COP24

3 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union have issued a joint declaration demanding a Just Transition for workers as the world’s nations meet for the United Nations climate change summit in Katowice, Poland – COP 24.

IndustriALL COP24 Blog - Katowice, Poland

2 December, 2018IndustriALL Global Union's director of sustainability, Brian Kohler, reports from a trade union perspective on the climate change summit taking place in Katowice, Poland, from 2-14 December.

Caribbean unions continue to strengthen outreach and cooperation in the region

21 November, 2018Condemnation of the attacks on trade union rights and the crisis in the oil and steel industries in the Caribbean were high on the agenda of IndustriALL Global Union’s Caribbean meeting held in Paramaribo in Suriname on 12-13 November.

South African unions call for a Just Transition to renewable energy

21 November, 2018Unions reject government plans to close five coal-fired power stations and award renewable energy contracts to independent power producers (IPPs) without a Just Transition plan in place. They say this will put close to 100,000 workers out of work.

Coal mining unions demand Just Transition

15 October, 2018IndustriALL Global Union’s network of coal mining unions met in Delhi, India, to escalate efforts to achieve a ‘Just Transition’ in order to defend coal miners’ interests in the face of challenges from climate change, Industry 4.0 and dangerous working conditions.

L20 unionists call on the G20 to fight inequality and precarious work

12 September, 2018Representatives of international trade-union organizations attended the Labour 20 Summit (L20) in Mendoza, Argentina, on 4 and 5 September 2018. They called on the G20 to take steps to reduce inequalities, combat precarious work and ensure a fair transition to a low-carbon economy.

Unions in India and Sri Lanka call for sustainable industrial policy

28 June, 2018Trade unions in India and Sri Lanka underlined that strengthening national level social dialogue and incorporating workers’ views in industrial policy making are crucial to develop sustainable industrial policy and a Just Transition that protects current workers, while creating new decent work in sustainable industries.

Mining unions in the Philippines unite to build workers’ power

18 June, 2018IndustriALL Global Union mining affiliates in the Philippines, together with other unions and workers’ representatives in the sector, have formed a network to advocate mine workers’ interests at the national and local level, following a workshop in Tagaytay City on 5-6 June.

South African unions reject Eskom’s zero-increase in wages

15 June, 2018Thousands of workers picketed outside Eskom offices in Johannesburg on 14 June to demand a 15 per cent wage increase and reject a no-increase announcement by state-owned energy company Eskom, who is arguing that it is broke.

Standing up for workers’ rights at ILC 2018

14 June, 2018During the 107th Session of the International Labour Conference, held in Geneva on 28 May to 8 June, issues important for the labour movement, like a convention for gender based violence in the world of work and violations of ILO conventions, were discussed.