INTERVIEW: Sharan Burrow - The world needs a pay rise2 December, 2014180 million workers in the world are members of trade unions, making the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) the largest democratic organization in the world. But this is only seven per cent of all workers, which is not enough, says ITUC general secretary, Sharan Burrow. The target is set at 200 million by 2018.
FEATURE: IndustriALL: Campaigning, organizing, and winning2 December, 2014Supply-chain pressure, coalition and network building, media strategy, and corporate research are all vital elements to trade union campaigning. But it is workers’ solidarity across national borders that, time and again, makes the difference and achieves the win.
PROFILE: Putting her life on the line for workers2 December, 2014Mexican human rights lawyer, Alejandra Ancheita, has faced death threats and a personal smear campaign in defending the rights of workers, indigenous communities and migrants.
SPECIAL REPORT: Unions putting a STOP to precarious work2 December, 2014The continuing expansion of precarious work is one of the biggest threats facing unions. It is not only about job security, pay and working conditions, but also about workers’ capacity to organize and to fight collectively for their rights. For IndustriALL Global Union, fighting against precarious work is a key strategic goal integrated into all work at global, industrial and regional level.
PROFILE: CFMEU Fighting for Australian workers2 December, 2014Founded in 1915 as the Australasian Coal and Shale Employees Federation, IndustriALL Global union affiliate the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has evolved into one of Australia’s largest national trade unions representing over 120,000 members.
IndustriALL publishes new issue of “Global Worker” 29 May, 2014In this issue of “Global Worker” IndustriALL explains how networks in the auto industries and the global framework agreement with garment giant Inditex are helping to defend union rights of millions of workers. Subscribe to receive your hard copies of “Global Worker” or read it online.
PROFILE: Fighting for women in the DRC21 May, 2014The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is torn apart by conflict fuelled by powerful foreign interests in its great mineral wealth. Josée Shimbi Umba is First Deputy General Secretary responsible for women’s issues at the Council of Metalworkers Unions of the DRC (CSC), fighting for the rights of women in an environment of extreme exploitation and abuse.
CAMPAIGNS: Shifting the balance – campaigns to defend workers against corporate abuses of power21 May, 2014More than ever, IndustriALL Global Union is helping workers level the playing field. Through building capacity of local unions, organizing them into global union networks, and working with these networks to implement campaign strategies and tactics, IndustriALL is campaigning to help shift the balance of power back in the unions’ direction.
REGIONAL REPORT: New challenges and fights for trade unions in post Soviet Union countries21 May, 2014It is more than two decades since the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics disappeared from the global map. Many of the nations that broke away from what was once the biggest country in the world proclaimed they would follow a market-oriented path. As a result of the liberal reforms that took place, workers’ and trade union rights came under enormous pressure. Here is a closer look at some of the most recent developments in the region.
REPORT: IndustriALL mobilizes global support for garment workers in Cambodia21 May, 2014The rights of garment workers in Cambodia have become a priority for IndustriALL Global Union following the government’s brutal crackdown on wage demonstrations in January, leaving four people dead, 39 injured and 23 people in prison.