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Showing 41-50 of 50 results

IndustriALL creates a ‘macro sector’ for manufacturing industries

21 August, 2018Fifty trade union leaders from the ‘macro sector’ of manufacturing industries across Latin American and the Caribbean met for the first time from 13 to 15 August in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their aim was to discuss the future world of work and come up with joint initiatives.

Unions debate Green Technology and Industry 4.0 at SKF

4 October, 2019At the meeting with SKF top management IndustriALL European and world union council discussed the Green Technology and Industry 4.0.

REPORT: The Future of Work, and IndustriALL Global Union

20 May, 2019The Constitution of the International Labour Organization (ILO), adopted in the aftermath of World War I with the idea that there cannot be lasting world peace without social justice, has been described as the most ambitious social contract ever written. This year, 2019, will be the centenary of the ILO Constitution and to mark this event, on 22 January 2019 the ILO released the report of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work, entitled “Work for a brighter future”.

South African union signs wage deal

18 September, 2019After months of negotiations, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), signed a collective bargaining agreement with the Automobile Manufactures Employers Organization (AMEO) which represents automotive employers BMW, Mercedes Benz, Ford, Isuzu, Nissan, Toyota and Volkswagen.

Our future, our union – IndustriALL Women’s Conference demands transformative agenda

21 November, 2019More than 200 women from trade unions in 60 countries met in Geneva, Switzerland, on 18 and 19 November for IndustriALL Global Union’s World Women’s Conference and called for a transformative agenda to achieve gender equality in unions and at work.

Understanding the challenge of Industry 4.0 from a labour perspective

30 October, 201870 unionists from IndustriALL affiliates and FNV Mondiaal partners in Indonesia met in Jakarta on 19 October to discuss the challenge and impact of Industry 4.0 from a labour perspective.

ICT, electricals and electronics unions resolve to intensify organizing

31 May, 2018IndustriALL’s steering committee meeting of the ICT, electrical & electronics (ICT, EE) industry was held in Mumbai on 28-29 May 2018. Union representatives from around the world discussed global industry trends; evaluated current activities and future strategies to strengthen union power and respond to challenges faced by the trade union movement.

Energy unions demand Just Transition at world conference

26 July, 2018Energy trade unions from 50 countries are united in demanding a Just Transition to protect the rights and living standards of workers as the energy industry experiences massive change.

Unions promote and boost global dialogue with Saint-Gobain Group

9 January, 2024The current status and developments of the Saint-Gobain group were on the agenda when 20 union representatives from nine countries, representing workers in the group, met in Paris for a two day global union network meeting. This meeting was hosted by IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Chimie Energie FCE-CFDT on 19 and 20 December last year.

Protecting workers’ rights in Southeast Asia amid transformation

30 July, 2024On 26 July, Southeast Asia unions met to discuss the impact of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI), they committed to protect workers’ rights as the world of work enters a period of uncertainty.