Unions fight to protect Nigeria’s oil and gas workers14 May, 2020Unions in Nigeria are vowing to challenge attempts by oil and gas companies to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to retrench workers and promote precarious working conditions.
Eyes on pharmaceutical industry in the Covid-19 fight15 May, 2020The pharmaceutical industry is working intensively towards finding a treatment for COVID-19 or a vaccine against the virus that causes it, SARS-CoV-2. Their work in this time of crisis makes this group of IndustriALL affiliates and members even more important for all of us.
Indian states suspend labour laws and increase working hours 14 May, 2020Some Indian states are using coronavirus as a pretext to attack working conditions. Many have increased the working day to 12 hours, while others have suspended or provided exemptions to labour law.
Cambodian government should immediately release union leader 28 April, 2020IndustriALL Global Union is urging the government of Cambodia to immediately release union leader Soy Sros and to drop the prosecution against her.
Global tyre industry continues to slow down26 March, 2020The continued slowdown of tyre production due to COVID-19 is affecting IndustriALL Global Union members. Measures are taken to protect staff and to respond to a severe drop in demand. All companies suspending production report that they will continue to be able to fill customers’ needs from existing stock.
Italian metalworkers strike to halt non-essential production26 March, 2020UPDATE : During negotiations with the Government on CGIL, CISL, and UIL secured a revision to the definition of ‘essential productive activities’ allowed to operate during the health crisis with a new decree dated 25 March. This new decree replaces the one from 22 March and establishes a new reduced list of authorized production activities. The trade unions are satisfied with the new decree as it reduces the number of people having to go to work and therefore better protects workers’ safety and health.
ACT brands commit to responsible business practices in Bangladesh31 March, 2020ACT signatory brands have expressed their commitment to maintain responsible business practices and social dialogue with union representatives from IndustriALL Bangladesh Council (IBC) and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), amid the corona virus outbreak.
COVID-19: Urgent Economic Stimulus and Workplace Measures Required12 March, 2020Council of Global Unions Joint Statement
Tyre workers sent home as Covid-19 closes factories 20 March, 2020With major halts in auto production, the tyre industry is largely reducing work. Temporary plant closures are announced by market leading tyre companies who employ thousands of IndustriALL members.
Union educates on COVID-19 as South Africa confirms more cases19 March, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU), is carrying out campaigns to educate workers about the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the textile, garment, leather and shoe factories, and other workplaces where the union organizes.