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Showing 21-30 of 191 results

In search of best practice protocol in the global mining industry

22 April, 2020As trade unions around the world respond to the rapidly unfolding public health, economic and employment crisis, the respect for the ILO fundamental rights at work, including the right to refuse or shut down unsafe work is becoming urgent.

Chemical sector unions respond to Covid-19

24 April, 2020With powerful unions, large multinational companies, important sectoral bargaining agreements, the chemical industry sees a significant response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bangladeshi government must protect workers from impacts of Covid-19

4 May, 2020IndustriALL is calling on the Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to immediately address the impact of Covid-19 on workers, and consult unions including IndustriALL Bangladesh Council (IBC) on the way forward.

Virtual May Day

6 May, 2020The Coronavirus created a unique May Day; for the first time in 130 years, workers around the world were not be able to celebrate in the streets. So, we took the picket line online.

Cambodian garment workers need support from brands

16 April, 2020Garment unions in Cambodia are proposing brands and manufacturers contribute 40 percent respectively and the government 20 percent of the minimum wage for workers in factories that have suspended operations due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Union says Covid-19 opportunism is behind wage disputes in South Africa

16 September, 2020Textile and garment manufacturers want to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to reduce wages and benefits of over 75,000 workers, but the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) is standing firm against the push back in the wage negotiations.

Paper, packaging and graphical unions team up on safety rights

17 September, 2020Trade union members on all continents are working together this month to promote health and safety in the pulp, paper, graphical and packaging industries, particularly emphasizing workers’ rights to participate in safety management on the job.

National strike in Indonesia to stop controversial Omnibus law

30 September, 2020Several trade union confederations in Indonesia have announced a three-day national strike on 6-8 October, calling for the Omnibus bill on job creation to be scrapped before it is passed in Parliament.

Tchibo and IndustriALL commit to support suppliers

12 November, 2020In order to minimize the impacts of the pandemic, IndustriALL and German brand Tchibo have signed a joint declaration, reinforcing their longstanding cooperation in order to support the economic and social recovery of the global garment industry through the Covid-19 crisis.

Union launches app for organizing Kenyan metalworkers

28 October, 2020The Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metalworkers (AUKMW) has launched an app that will be used to recruit and organize new members to the union.