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Showing 21-30 of 679 results

Nigerian textile union conference focuses on industry revival

4 April, 2024The National Union of Textile Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN), an IndustriALL affiliate, held its 13th National Delegates Conference under the theme: building union power for sustainable industrialization and the future of work. The conference took place in Abuja, Nigeria from 25-27 March. 

Moroccan mining union established to fight for workers

22 March, 2024Under the slogan "Strengthening trade union action in the mining sector to defend the mining working class and win an agreement that guarantees the rights and benefits of the miners", the UMT National Union of Mineworkers in Morocco held its founding congress on 1 March.

Cost-of-living crisis hurdle for organizing in Ethiopia

15 February, 2024IndustriALL Global Union affiliated unions organizing in Ethiopia's automotive, chemical, electronics, energy, mining, pulp and paper, petroleum, and textile and garment sectors met in Addis Ababa on 13 February to discuss how to strengthen their recruitment and organizing strategies to boost membership amidst a dire cost-of-living crisis. 

20 per cent wage increase for textile workers in Tunisia

17 January, 2024Textile workers in Tunisia have received a 20 percent wage increase distributed over 2024, 2025 and 2026. The increase comes after an agreement on 12 January between IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir - FGTHCC-UGTT and the employers’ organization Fédération Nationale du Textile FENATEX - UTICA.

We need constructive cooperation between unions, governments and employers

16 January, 2024Under this year’s theme rebuilding trust, leaders from governments and businesses is descending on Davos for next week’s World Economic Forum. Working people are at the forefront of the rapid technological developments profoundly changing the world of work. And yet workers’ voices are conspicuously lacking from the conversations.

Young trade unionists reimagining international trade unionism

5 December, 2023The Global Labour Institute hosted its autumn school in Paris from 27 to 29 November. IndustriALL affiliates formed part of the delegation who deliberated on challenges in organizing, trade unionism and youth, trade unionism and authoritarianism, and trade unionism and the environment. 

IndustriALL Executive Committee elects female president

30 November, 2023IndustriALL’s online Executive Committe on 28-29 November elected the organization’s first female president, Marie Nilsson from Swedish union IF Metall, as Jörg Hoffman from German IG Metall steps down.

UAW members ratify record contracts

29 November, 2023In September, US affiliate UAW launched a strike, the Stand Up Strike, for better wages and conditions at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. After more than 40 days of strike action the union had achieved record contracts, now ratified by UAW members. 

Join the call to Make Amazon Pay!

13 November, 2023For this year’s Black Friday on 24 November, the biggest retail sales day in the United States as well as in other parts of the world, IndustriALL is again joining the global call from Uni Global Union and others to Make Amazon Pay.

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions call for a safer and better sector

9 November, 2023IndustriALL’s shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group met online on 6 November to review global trends in the sectors and strategize a way forward.