IndustriALL Executive Committee elects female president30 November, 2023IndustriALL’s online Executive Committe on 28-29 November elected the organization’s first female president, Marie Nilsson from Swedish union IF Metall, as Jörg Hoffman from German IG Metall steps down.
UAW members ratify record contracts 29 November, 2023In September, US affiliate UAW launched a strike, the Stand Up Strike, for better wages and conditions at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. After more than 40 days of strike action the union had achieved record contracts, now ratified by UAW members.
Join the call to Make Amazon Pay! 13 November, 2023For this year’s Black Friday on 24 November, the biggest retail sales day in the United States as well as in other parts of the world, IndustriALL is again joining the global call from Uni Global Union and others to Make Amazon Pay.
Shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions call for a safer and better sector9 November, 2023IndustriALL’s shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group met online on 6 November to review global trends in the sectors and strategize a way forward.
IndustriALL’s Asia-Pacific affiliates meet in Kuala Lumpur7 November, 2023IndustriALL’s proposed gender-based violence policy, cost of living crises, trade union violations and Just Transition were some of the agenda items debated at IndustriALL’s Asia Pacific women’s committee and executive committee meetings held in Kuala Lumpur on 30 and 31 October, respectively.
Latin American workers demonstrate the strength of the paper sector 7 November, 2023Over 80 pulp and paper workers from Latin America and the Caribbean recently met in Brazil to determine the next steps in the project run by IndustriALL and Belgian union federation ACV-CSC BIE, aimed at strengthening the sector’s union networks.
Making unions relevant for white collar workers2 November, 2023Organizing, reskilling, artificial intelligence and mental health were items on the agenda at IndustriALL’s first strategic white-collar workers meeting, since 2017, held in Madrid on 26 and 27 October. 70 participants, online and in person, exchanged their different realities, needs and expectations regarding the world of work and how to make trade unions more relevant for white-collar workers in Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Trade unions strategize pathways for human rights due diligence in Africa2 November, 2023Sub-Saharan African (SSA) trade unions strategized how human rights due diligence can be a catalyst to achieving their demands for multinational companies to respect fundamental workers’ rights, decent work, living wages, and protection of the environment and community rights. Unions gathered at this conference on 19 and 20 October in Mombasa, Kenya.
US brands must sign binding agreements to protect workers19 October, 2023IndustriALL is working with affiliates and allies to promote supply chain industrial relations centred on workers’ rights and legally binding agreements with global brands and retailers. This contrasts with the prevailing voluntary, private auditing model which has not been protective of workers’ rights and has brought risk to companies and investors alike.
Strengthening the Coats network16 October, 2023Trade union leaders of Coats factories worldwide met in a hybrid meeting in Casablanca, Morocco, from 5-6 October to review the networks’ 2023 strategic workplan and to further strengthen global cooperation.