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Showing 601-610 of 673 results

Affiliates in Tunisia and Morocco Reinforce Unity

15 November, 2013As part of its priorities in work programme, IndustriALL Global Union continues to conduct actions in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). The affiliates in Tunisia and Morocco decided to create National Councils towards unity building and coordinating international actions.

United Autoworkers organize Faurecia in Kentucky

4 November, 2013A clear majority of workers recognized the United Autoworkers (UAW) as their union representing workers’ interests at the automotive supplier Faurecia Interior Systems Inc. in Kentucky, United States.

Ethiopian textile workers union empowers women

1 November, 2013The Ethiopian Industrial Federation of Textile, Leather and Garment Workers trained 20 women together with IndustriAll from 22 to 24 October 2013 in Addis Abeba. The workshop mainly focused on empowering women. This is vital for the garment industry where it is estimated that more or less 80 per cent of the workers are women.

Strategy planning by global network at TATA Steel

31 October, 2013Unions from TATA Steel’s operations in Asia recently met in Bangkok, Thailand. The participants used the opportunity to discuss strategy, challenges and opportunities in the region, as well as the next steps for the global network.

Nissan workers denied right to organize

23 October, 2013Ten-hour shifts, removed pensions, low pay, and forced to work nights and weekends. Add to that implicit threats of closure of the factory or pay decrease when workers voice their desire to form a union. This is the reality of workers at the Nissan plant in Canton, Mississippi.

IndustriALL-FO Final Workshop 'Training of Trainers'

16 October, 2013A final workshop in the two-year joint project of IndustriALL and “Force Ouvrière” took place in Paris, France, on 30 September-4 October. The project 'training of trainers' was organized for the Trade Union of Mining and Metallurgy Workers of Ukraine.

Trade unionism: it’s about more than administering a collective agreement!

27 September, 2013The subject of organizing was on the agenda of a workshop for trade union leaders from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean this week.

Mutual support organising US VW plant

19 September, 2013All plants of the German auto manufacturer Volkswagen worldwide are unionised and have a Workers' Representative System. Efforts are turned to the only outstanding plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Swaziland unions merge for unity and strength

19 September, 2013On 8 September, 10 unions in Swaziland successfully came together in a merger to form Amalgamated Trade Unions of Swaziland (Atuswa) building greater unity amongst workers in the manufacturing sector.

Unions in Colombia show exemplary unity

17 September, 2013Members of IndustriALL’s mining and energy union affiliates in Colombia have announced that: “at a time when the country is going through an economic, political and social crisis, we have decided to take a new initiative to promote unity”.