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Showing 671-680 of 692 results

New union in Canada takes shape

17 October, 2012Two unions in Canada, CEP and CAW, are planning to join their forces and create the largest new union in the private sector of Canada, representing the collective interests of 300,000 workers in 22 economic sectors.

Long struggle brings lasting compensation to families of shipbreaking workers in Alang

11 October, 2012A three-year struggle by IndustriALL and its affiliates in India results in families of deceased shipbreaking workers receiving compensation and the further strengthening of the union in the shipbreaking yards in Alang.

Each one, teach one!

27 September, 2012A four-day workshop for organizers and activists from the auto sector was held in St Petersburg, Russia, from 14 to 17 September.

Gerdau continues firing workers in Colombia

27 September, 2012Sintrametal and the Gerdau Workers’ World Council met with ministers and members of the government last week.

IndustriALL proposes ethical partnership with TATA Steel

19 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s network in Tata Steel will seek to develop an ethical partnership with company management at a meeting in Bangkok, Thailand later this month.

Labour keeps up pressure for democracy in Swaziland

11 September, 2012Despite demobilization efforts of the Swaziland government, labour together with student bodies and civil society in the country pushed on with calls for multiparty democratic elections during the Global Week of Action on Swaziland, 3 to 7 September.

Unions struggle for democracy in Swaziland

11 September, 2012Despite violent repression by the Swaziland government, unions together with student bodies and civil society pushed on with calls for multiparty democratic elections during the Global Week of Action on Swaziland, 3 to 7 September.

Historic victory for trade union freedom in Myanmar

6 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union rejoices as, after a lifelong campaign, trade unions restart operations inside Myanmar. The Federation of Trade Unions of Myanmar (FTUM) General Secretary Maung Maung returned to Rangoon on 4 September, after a 24-year exile in Bangkok.

CAW and CEP on path to create new union

30 August, 2012Nearly 1,000 delegates of Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) voted in favour of creating a new union with the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ (CEP) union of Canada at the CAW convention in Toronto on 22 August.

Thai Auto Growth offers opportunity and challenges for unions.

22 August, 2012Over 60 union leaders from The Confederation of Thai Electrical Appliances, Electronic, Automobile and Metalworkers (TEAM) and the Automobile Labor Congress of Thailand (ALCT) co-organized a seminar on 10 August titled “Growing Auto Industry; what are the impacts on workers?” in greater Bangkok. The unions hope with closer cooperation they can have a greater influence on the future shape of the industry.