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Showing 41-50 of 5770 results

ArcelorMittal trade union global action day: stop deaths at work NOW!

13 September, 2024Today, trade unions at ArcelorMittal sites across the globe are coming together in light of the mounting death toll at the company’s sites to say enough is enough!

ILO report highlights IndustriALL C190 work

13 September, 2024A recent report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), entitled: Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, shines a crucial spotlight on the escalating issue of workplace violence, with a particular focus on responses to rising levels of violence and harassment since the COVID-19 pandemic and how unions adapted and shifted their negotiations to include responses to the pandemic while continuing to implement their strategies relating to both the ratification and full implementation of the Convention (C190).

Coal mine workers demand a just energy transition

12 September, 2024100 miners a day face job cuts as industry winds down coal. IndustriALL Global Union’s coal mining affiliates are set to challenge the coal mining industry and policy makers on the lackluster response to the grave implication of the climate change imperative to transition to a low carbon energy economy on coal mineworkers ‘s jobs, local community livelihoods and heavily coal dependent economies.

Solidarity in Malmö as Ford workers join Tesla picket line

12 September, 2024In a show of solidarity, a delegation from Germany joined striking Tesla workers in Malmö on 10 September. The group of representatives from Ford Cologne’s works council, met with workers and union leaders to support their ongoing struggle for fair labour practices at Tesla's service centers in Sweden.

Labour inspection exposes sexual exploitation at Dharm Cutting Works Botswana

12 September, 2024A scathing labour inspection report from the ministry of labour and social security condemned sexual exploitation by a general manager at Dharm Cutting Works Botswana – a diamond cutting and polishing company based in Gaborone.

Pushing for legally binding agreements

9 September, 2024To advance garment and textile company support for binding agreements in their supply chains, IndustriALL is working to raise institutional investor awareness of the model and encourage investors to engage their companies to become signatories.

Türkiye: Steelworkers on strike for more than two months

3 September, 2024Workers at Yolbulan Metal San. Tic. Inc. located in Dörtyol district of Hatay province have reached a critical milestone marking 75 days of their strike following a deadlock in collective bargaining negotiations that began in January this year. Despite ongoing efforts to reach an agreement, talks broke down, leading to a strike on June 20, 2024.

Turkish paper workers strike for collective bargaining agreement

3 September, 2024As Türkiye grapples with severe economic turmoil, including soaring inflation and a sharp decline in purchasing power, a wave of strikes is sweeping across various sectors, particularly within the manufacturing industries. The latest strike has erupted at MKB Corrugated Box and Packaging in Istanbul’s Tuzla district.

Union busting in Türkiye

3 September, 2024Workers at a factory near Istanbul in Türkiye that produce zips for major brands like Inditex, H&M, Lacoste and Adidas, are being denied their legal right to be represented by a union by factory management.

Belgian and Malagasy unions cooperate on building union power

29 August, 2024The cooperation between Belgian and Malagasy unions is testimony of how trade unions in the global north and the global south are working together on key issues that include the Just Transition and human rights due diligence.