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Showing 31-40 of 56 results

Latin American chemical sector workers prioritize networks

3 August, 2016The second meeting of Latin American chemical sector workers took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 28-29 July. The meeting stressed the importance of strengthening regional networks in order to achieve change and improvements for workers in the industry.

Regional paper and cellulose sector aims to form federation

2 August, 2016More than 30 leaders of trade unions in the Latin American paper and cellulose industry shared ideas on forming a federation that would help to build networks and strengthen the industry in the region.

Young workers discuss Chilean IndustriALL union policies

21 June, 2016Young workers affiliated to IndustriALL unions in Chile met to discuss union policies at a seminar in Santiago on 2 and 3 June.

Workers denounce anti-trade union practices at Gerdau steel plants

3 June, 2016The Gerdau World Workers’ Council met in Montevideo, Uruguay from 16-18 May to address the global steel crisis and anti-trade union practices at Gerdau, which is the biggest producer of long steel in the Americas.

Industrial Chile sponsors bill to declare lithium a strategic national resource

10 May, 2016Industrial Chile, affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, and the Confederation of Copper Workers (CTC) are sponsoring a bill to declare the Chemical and Mining Company of Chile (Sociedad Química Y Minería de Chile S. A. – SQM) and the production and commercialization of lithium to be a strategic national resource.

Global solidarity on May Day

4 May, 2016IndustriALL affiliates around the world took to the streets to celebrate May Day 2016, calling out for a living wage and a stop to precarious work.

Jyrki Raina visits Chile to support affiliates

17 March, 2016Jyrki Raina, IndustriALL General Secretary, spoke at a press conference at the Santiago offices of the Chilean trade union centre, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores  (CUT), on 14 March to express support for IndustriALL affiliates and their campaign for labour reform.

IndustriALL’s new issue of Global Worker out now

19 May, 2015IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out now with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.

INTERVIEW: Chile: transforming the Labour Code

18 May, 2015Determined, strong and with the courage of her convictions, Barbara Figueroa is a woman who doesn’t hesitate to say what she thinks. President of the Chilean trade union centre, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile (CUT), she sees herself as “the leading spokesperson for the most important workers’ organization” in Chile.Increasing inequalities in pay, job security and social stability have led Michelle Bachelet’s government to send a bill to Congress to reform the Labour Code introduced under Pinochet’s dictatorship which ended in 1990. The new act aims to strengthen the collective rights of workers and promote a fairer system of labour relations. Figueroa is one of the main figures driving the change.

Creation of a single industrial union in Chile - a "dream come true”

4 December, 2014“Four years ago, we began to build our union with a lot of hope in our hearts. We took an important step to strengthen and end the fragmentation of the trade union movement. After much effort and a lot of support from IndustriALL Global Union, we can say we are on the right path”, said Horacio Fuentes, in his opening speech at the founding congress of Industrial Chile.