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8 October, 2014In the Dominican Republic IndustriALL afiliates pushing to change legislation that promotes the spread of precarious work.

DR workers face uphill battle to unionize

12 July, 2013Deciding to form a union at your workplace should not have to be a life-changing decision, but for workers at DMG International shoe company in the Dominican Republic that is just what it turned out to be.

IndustriALL National Council formed in the Dominican Republic

17 February, 2014The six affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union in the Dominican Republic have agreed to form a National Council to better coordinate their efforts nationally and internationally.

Unions at Gerdau recommit to global struggle for workers’ rights

22 May, 2018Gerdau workers will escalate their coordination to achieve respect for workers’ rights at the company’s operations around the world.

Dominican unions map out living wage action plan

18 September, 2014Union leaders in the Dominican Republic agreed an action plan to increase wages in a workshop organized by IndustriALL Global Union in Santo Domingo last week.

IndustriALL builds presence in the Caribbean

6 December, 2016An IndustriALL Caribbean regional council has been created to strengthen ties between unions and IndustriALL's presence in the sub-region.

Willbes & Co reinstates 15 dismissed workers in the Dominican Republic

24 August, 2017National and international solidarity, combined with intervention by global brands, played an important role in encouraging the Korean clothing company Willbes & Co to reinstate 15 workers who were dismissed for exercising their right to organize.

Workers in the Dominican Republic Free Trade Zones achieve historic increase in minimum wage

12 September, 2017IndustriALL affiliates in the Dominican Republic have reached an agreement with employers in the free trade zones, establishing a minimum wage increase of 20.33 per cent.