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7 October, 2015Garment union and IndustriALL affiliate FNTTP took action on 7 October. 

Struggle for resources threatens labour rights

5 December, 2014Climate change threatens everything the labour movement stands for: fairness; social justice; decent work, and human rights, reports Brian Kohler, IndustriALL Global Union’s director of sustainability from the United Nations climate change conference, COP-20, in Lima, Peru. 

Workers denounce anti-trade union practices at Gerdau steel plants

3 June, 2016The Gerdau World Workers’ Council met in Montevideo, Uruguay from 16-18 May to address the global steel crisis and anti-trade union practices at Gerdau, which is the biggest producer of long steel in the Americas.

Time running out to avoid climate disaster

3 December, 2014The window of opportunity to reduce emissions and avert climate disaster is rapidly closing, said Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Peruvian Minister of Environment and President of COP-20, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima, Peru.

Farmindustria union in Peru signs first collective bargaining agreement

13 October, 2021After a 30-day strike, workers at Farmaindustria-Abbott International in Peru signed their first collective bargaining agreement on 4 October, achieving economic and social benefits as well as major improvements in working conditions for all.

Unions take part in national strike against Peru’s government

21 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in Peru have taken part in a fresh national strike against Dina Boluarte’s government. They called for her and members of Congress to resign, and for elections to be called. 

Union at Peru’s Antapaccay Mining Company rejects change to shift system

23 May, 2023The union of Antapaccay Mining Company workers (SITRAMINA) is seeking to reverse the change in the company’s shift system. It claims that the new shift pattern is a major health and safety risk and will have a negative impact on workers' family lives.

Unions demand sincere dialogue with Glencore ahead of AGM

25 May, 2023Ahead of Glencore’s AGM on 26 May, IndustriALL Global Union brought together representatives from trade unions at Glencore operations around the world, as well as from communities touched by the Swiss mining company’s blatant lack of willingness to address serious environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues across its global operations for a pre-AGM. 

ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus

22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.

Unions at Gerdau take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Gerdau plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.