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Showing 21-30 of 92 results

Belarusian trade unions remain liquidated one year later

3 August, 2023It has been one year since the Belarusian Supreme Court liquidated the country’s independent trade unions. On 18 July last year the Supreme Court decided to liquidate and dissolve the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP), and its four members, three of them affiliated to IndustriALL - the Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BITU or BNP), the Union of Radio and Electronics Workers (REP), the Free Trade Union of Belarus (SPB), and the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers (SPM). The Court declared trade unions as extremist organizations.

Belarus tightens grip on independent trade unions

29 April, 2022Belarusian authorities have escalated their campaign against independent trade unions, with more than 20 union leaders detained so far.

Belarus: fight continues for democracy and labour rights

9 August, 20219 August marks the one-year anniversary of the rigged presidential elections in Belarus which have led to intensified repression and intimidation of civil society, as well as a complete disrespect of fundamental human and workers' rights.

Trade union harassment continues in Belarus

23 March, 2022The situation for trade unions in Belarus continues to deteriorate with union offices being searched and union leaders detained by the police.

Belarus must release arrested union leaders!

11 July, 2022The heavy oppression against unions in Belarus continues. The government wants to declare the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions and all independent unions ‘extremist organizations’.

Blog - court hearing of the trade union case in Belarus

17 August, 2018Continuous updates from the hearing of the case against Gennady Fedynich and Ihar Komlik, chairman and chief accountant of IndustriALL affiliate Radio and Electronics Industry Workers’ Union (REP), accused of tax evasion.

IndustriALL in the CIS region - unified front against attacks on workers' rights

7 September, 2015IndustriALL has 50 affiliates in the CIS region. In a region torn by political conflicts and attacks on workers’ rights, working together is the key to successful trade unions. Unity was a central theme to the discussions at IndustriALL’s sub-regional meeting in Moldova on 3 – 4 September.  

Global unions urge governments and employers to help put an end to human and trade union rights violations in Belarus

30 May, 2023Trade unionism is not a crime! Trade unionism is not extremism!

Unionists demand all charges against jailed Belarusian trade union leaders be dropped

15 June, 2023Today global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 111th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

PROFILE: Belarusian electronics union is no stranger to struggle

17 January, 2019The Belarusian Radio and Electronic Industry Workers’ Union (REP) was formed in November 1990, at a time when countries that had been part of the Soviet Union became independent.