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Showing 41-50 of 92 results

ILO urges Belarus to stop repression and respect workers’ rights

31 March, 2021The Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) approved the report of the Committee on Freedom of Association and its recommendations to the Government of Belarus, urging the government to take measures to release all trade unionists in detention and drop all charges related to participation in peaceful protests and industrial actions.

Belarusian independent unions receive 2021 Arthur Svensson prize

9 April, 2021The Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights has been awarded to the independent trade union movement in Belarus. They get it for their fearless struggle for democracy and union rights in Europe's last dictatorship.

Global unions call for release of the union leader in Belarus

10 August, 2017IndustriALL Global Union and International Confederation of Trade Unions (ITUC), addressed a joint letter to the President of Belarus expressing deep concern and indignation over the recent searches in the offices of independent unions as well as the detention of a trade union leader.

Belarus: Two independent union leaders convicted despite absence of proof

24 August, 2018Today, on 24 August, after a two-week trial, the Sovetsky district court of the city of Minsk unjustly punished Gennady Fedynich and Ihar Komlik, leaders of the IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate Belarusian radio and electronics industry workers’ union (REP), by undermining fundamentals of rule of law and fair trial. Increasing anger and outrage emerge among IndustriALL affiliates worldwide as Fedynich is a substitute member of the executive committee.

Hunger strike workers in Belarus face jail

20 November, 2014Four metalworkers in Belarus, who went on a two-day hunger strike to bring public attention to their unfair dismissal, are now facing a fine or even jail. 

Sweden must respect international law

4 October, 2023The situation for Belarusian union activists continues to deteriorate, mainly in the country, but also for those in exile. Leader of Free Metalworkers' Union Ala Tsvirko, who left the country in 2021 to avoid detention over her union activities, is now facing deportation from Sweden, putting her life in danger.

Systematic repression in Belarus

23 March, 2023This month, both the ILO Governing Body and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have made strong statements on the human rights situation in Belarus, calling on the government to stop persecuting those involved in independent trade unions in the country.

Belarus: Union leader released from jail

4 February, 2024Political prisoner Zinaida Mikhniuk, activist and former chairperson of IndustriALL affiliate Radio and Electronics Industry Workers Union REP, has been released from jail after serving a two-years sentence for "insulting Lukashenka”.

14-second video considered act of public disorder in Belarus

19 May, 2016Eight women are accused of public disorder in Belarus after posting a 14-second video protest message on YouTube against raising the retirement age.

Belarusians protest tax on “social parasites”

1 March, 2017Protests against an unjust law that taxes people for unemployment and accuses them of being “social parasites” were held in five cities in Belarus.