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8 October, 2014In Bulgaria on 7 October 2014 all Federations, affiliated to the Confederation of Labour PODKREPA, members of IndustriALL European Trade Union and IndustriALL Global Union, organized an event to celebrate the World Day for Decent Work.

Bulgaria: any acts against union association is now punishable by law

15 August, 2023On 7 August in a groundbreaking move, Bulgaria’s Parliament approved a series of amendments to the Penal Code. This is a great victory for the trade union movement as any crimes committed against workers in their right to freedom of association will now be punishable with one to five years imprisonment or fine up of to $5000.

Joint action in South-East European textile industries

19 November, 2019Textile, clothing, leather and footwear industries employ more than 600,000 people in eight South-East European countries, with the proximity to major European markets providing growth opportunities. But with salaries as low as €200-400 per month in some countries, union leaders are reporting that it is difficult to attract young workers.

Empowering Bulgarian affiliates in the Inditex supply chain

3 July, 2017As part of the implementation process of the Inditex global framework agreement (GFA), IndustriALL Global Union’s textile and garment affiliates in Bulgaria met to review capacity building needs and develop organizing plans

Towards sectoral bargaining in the Bulgarian textile industries

21 November, 2018Strengthening social dialogue, unions and employer structures on a path towards industry-level collective bargaining and living wages in the Bulgarian garment and footwear industries, was the main message at a seminar on 14-15 November 2018 in Sofia, attended by 40 national and local-level union representatives, industry associations, major brands, key suppliers and the Deputy Minister of Economy.


4 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

Bulgarian unions take action for a Just Transition

17 August, 2023Bulgarian CITUB unions, including IndustriALL affiliates, have taken a proactive approach regarding Just Transition in the country. There is an urgent need for government to make critical decisions in the next two months on key documents to address the social and economic consequences of the transition to a low-carbon economy. Unions have made clear their position on the urgent solutions that are needed to deliver a just transition.

Implementing global agreements with brands in the garment sector

3 October, 2018Around 130 union leaders from Turkey and Bangladesh met in Istanbul, Turkey, to exchange experiences and knowledge on union organizing, collective bargaining agreements and social dialogue within the context of the implementation of global framework agreements (GFAs).

Thousands protest to demand better wages in Bulgaria

2 November, 2017Some 10,000 Bulgarian workers flooded the streets of Sofia on 27 October demanding decent incomes and workers’ rights. Members of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITUB) from all over the country joined the march to the Council of Ministers.

Bulgaria: GFAs in garment sector promoting rights

11 April, 2018Global framework agreements (GFAs) were at the focus of a meeting led by the ILO in Sofia, Bulgaria, on industrial relations in the global supply chains entitled “Key Features of Social Dialogue and Cooperation at the Workplace: Rights and Responsibilities, Good Practices, and Benefits”.