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Showing 11-20 of 283 results

Bangladesh’s shipbreaking unions key in helping workers

7 March, 2024Shipbreaking is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Workers employed at shipbreaking yards are forced to work in precarious working conditions for poverty wages. Cutting a vessel in the absence of safety equipment or lack of proper training for the job,  poses an immense danger to workers’ lives. 

Legal enforceability necessary for sound industrial relations

1 March, 2024The OECD forum on due diligence in the garment and footwear sector on 21-22 February in Paris, brought together governments, businesses, unions, civil society, and academia to discuss challenges and risks, as well as learnings and solutions related to responsibly implementing due diligence in the global garment and footwear supply chains. 

Revised minimum wage in Bangladesh is not enough

28 February, 2024Last year, the minimum wage for Bangladesh’s ready made garment (RMG) was revised, but this year’s demand from the textile workers, who are involved in the production of the fabric, has gone unheard as last week, the wage board fixed the minimum wage for cotton textile sector workers at BDT10,000 (US$90).

Bangladesh’s government must sincerely implement ILO Roadmap

27 February, 2024Ahead of the upcoming ILO Governing Body meeting in March, the report submitted by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) on the implementation of the Roadmap appears to be an exercise of ticking boxes instead of working towards upholding the spirit of the Roadmap process. IndustriALL is calling on the GoB to sincerely implement the Roadmap.

Bangladesh: dismissed workers reinstated with ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism

19 December, 2023The right to freedom of association is upheld as IndustriALL affiliate, the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers' Federation (BGIWF), reaches an agreement on a complaint brought against Dekko Designs Ltd. under the ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism.

Unions in Bangladesh demand revision of new minimum wage

16 November, 2023Minimum wage protests in Dhaka continue as workers’ demand of a higher minimum wage remains unmet. Police has been violently breaking down the protests and to date four workers have been killed and several others seriously injured. Police has registered over 60 criminal cases, in which nearly a hundred workers have been arrested, including six local union leaders.

Minimum wage protests continue in Bangladesh

9 November, 2023Workers in Bangladesh continue to protest for a higher minimum wage in light of the inadequate increase that the government approved when it announced the new minimum wage as BDT12,500 (US$112) on 9 November.

Asia Pacific trade agreements must safeguard workers’ rights

9 November, 2023IndustriALL Global Union Asia Pacific affiliates strategized actions to defend workers’ rights in free trade agreements, in a regional meeting held in Kuala Lumpur on 1 November.

Worker shot dead by police as minimum wage protests intensify in Bangladesh

30 October, 2023As thousands of garment workers take to the streets in Bangladesh to demand a minimum wage increase, police takes violent action to quell protest demonstrations, shooting dead one garment worker and injuring another earlier today.

IndustriALL Global Union statement on implementation of the ILO Roadmap in Bangladesh

27 October, 2023Several workers’ organisations made a complaint under Article 26 to the International Labour Conference in 2019 on the non-observance of Conventions 81, 87 and 98 by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB).