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Showing 21-30 of 279 results

Justice for murdered trade union leader

30 June, 2023The IndustriALL Bangladesh Council held a protest at the Gazipur district commissioner's office on Monday 26 June, to demanding justice for the murder of Shahidul Islam Shahid, president of the Gazipur unit of Bangladesh Garments and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF), who was killed a day earlier.

IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union demand justice in the murder of trade union leader in Bangladesh

28 June, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union condemn in the strongest possible terms the killing of trade union leader Shahidul Islam Shahid on 25 June in Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Shipbreaking industry set for transformation with Hong Kong Convention

28 June, 2023The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (Hong Kong Convention) will enter into force in June 2025, after Bangladesh and Liberia became contracting states to the Convention on 26 June 2023.

Building workers’ power along the Hop Lun Group supply chain

19 June, 2023Union leaders and workers from Hop Lun production facilities in Bangladesh and Indonesia met in Semarang city, Indonesia on 10 June, committing to building solidarity and improving industrial relations throughout the supply chain.

Urgent need for mandatory due diligence

4 May, 2023The 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse on 24 April was the starting point of a week-long advocacy with garment union leaders from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia and Tunisia. The delegation met with the ILO in Geneva, politicians in Berlin and the EU Parliament and Commission in Brussels to discuss the continued campaign on safe factories and the need for mandatory due diligence.

Building strong inclusive unions in South Asia

29 April, 2023From 27-29 April participants from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India came together to plan, in very practical terms, how to strengthen their unions and make them more inclusive for women and young workers.

28 April - world day for safety and health at work

28 April, 2023Health and safety is a fundamental principle and right at work. IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention, amendments to the Rotterdam Convention and the ratification of ILO Convention 176.

Due diligence legislation must be strong to protect workers - the EU can help make this happen

27 April, 2023Meeting with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), trade union leaders from the textile and garment sector in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and Tunisia called for mandatory and strong due diligence legislation and Europe’s support to prevent a tragedy like the Rana Plaza disaster from ever happening again. 

The work to keep garment factories safe must continue

4 April, 202324 April marks the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, an industrial homicide that killed more than 1,100 people and injured many more. The tragedy served as a turning point for the textile and garment industry as out of the rubble, the Bangladesh Accord was created. Unions were able to turn tragedy into a historic agreement to make garment factories safer.

Campaign for ratification of C190 continues

9 March, 2023Since the ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work was adopted in 2019, unions around the world have been campaigning for its ratification. To date, 25 countries have ratified C190, with Canada and Ireland being the latest additions.