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Showing 1-10 of 12 results

The true cost of Olympic uniforms

18 July, 2012Recent debate in the US about Team USA’s Olympic uniforms being produced in China has sparked controversy on the trend of clothing multinationals resorting to cheaper production in developing countries. This trend is not new and continues to impact workers in low wage countries, Play Fair demands that multinational companies do more.

The true cost of cheap clothes

18 July, 2012Last week United States Senators expressed dismay and outrage to learn that the uniforms for American Olympians were produced in China. But this is not new. For years unrestrained globalization has seen textile and clothing multinationals race to the bottom in the search for cheaper and cheaper production.

Works Councils discuss labour relations at German chemical companies in China

31 July, 2015Leading officials of IndustriALL Global Union’s German affiliate IG BCE (Mining, Chemical and Energy Workers’ Union) analyze labour relations in China through an Industry Forum.

Apple’s labour rights monitor finds little progress at Foxconn

30 December, 2013After three years of engagement at three Foxconn factories in China, the FLA has released its third and final verification assessment. Despite big promises to deliver labour rights improvements, the Fair Labor Association (FLA), tasked by Apple to remedy rights violations at its supplier Foxconn, has achieved little.

Action needed on Uyghur slave labour

18 November, 2020The Chinese government continues to hold members of the Uyghur minority group in forced labour camps. Goods produced by these enslaved workers – particularly cotton – are entering global supply chains.

IndustriALL’s new issue of Global Worker out now

19 May, 2015IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out now with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.

Apple’s new products increase pressure on Foxconn workers

27 September, 2012On Monday clashes came across Foxconn's plant in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China. Reports indicate the 79,000 workers employed at the Foxconn plant in Taiyuan are not that thrilled with the newly released iPhone 5, being forced to work under increased pressure to meet Apple’s deadlines.

IndustriALL holds its first automotive workshops in China

21 December, 2015IndustriALL Global Union held its first ever automotive workshops in China last month. The auto sector meetings took place in Shanghai and Beijing from 24 to 26 November.

Foxconn plans union elections in China

7 February, 2013Foxconn, the electronics manufacturing giant, is preparing to conduct elections for a representative labour union in its Chinese factories. The move follows severe criticism from trade unions and human rights groups for workers’ suicides, poor working conditions and employment relations at the company.

IndustriALL calls for urgent ILO action on deadly Chinese coal mines

6 December, 2016IndustriALL Global Union has written to the International Labour Organization (ILO) urging it to intervene to improve safety in Chinese coal mines, following the deaths of 86 coal miners in a matter of weeks.