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Sintracarbón and Cerrejón begin dialogue to resolve dispute

29 October, 2020After a strike which has lasted for 58 days, IndustriALL Colombian affilaite Sintracarbón and Cerrejón, owned by multinationals Glencore, BHP and Anglo American, are finally launching a series of meetings.

Workers at Petrobras Brazil condemn union busting

8 April, 2021In the face of union busting, Brazilian oil workers' union FUP is striking to protect workers' rights and is demanding safe and decent working conditions.

Saint-Gobain workers in Mexico reject employer protection contract

12 July, 2022Workers at Saint-Gobain in Mexico have voted against the current collective bargaining agreement, stating that it had been negotiated by an employer-friendly union that made decisions behind the workers’ backs and in the interests of the company.

Union leaders from Latin America discuss how to stop gender-based violence

21 September, 2022On 13 September, more than 80 union leaders from across Latin America and the Caribbean came together online to discuss their role in IndustriALL's campaign to eliminate gender-based violence in the workplace and in unions.

Goodyear Mexico fires workers for setting up their own union

12 July, 2018Goodyear has unfairly dismissed dozens of workers employed at its factory in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, for the sole reason that they wanted to organize themselves in an independent, free and democratic union.

Hunger strike at Tenaris Colombia called off but struggle continues

5 July, 2018The vice-president of the Tenaris TuboCaribe union in Colombia (Sintratucar), Jairo del Río, has called off his hunger strike after being hospitalized, but the struggle against union persecution continues

L20 unionists call on the G20 to fight inequality and precarious work

12 September, 2018Representatives of international trade-union organizations attended the Labour 20 Summit (L20) in Mendoza, Argentina, on 4 and 5 September 2018. They called on the G20 to take steps to reduce inequalities, combat precarious work and ensure a fair transition to a low-carbon economy.

Owens Illinois glass workers alliance takes action

24 January, 2013The Global Glass Alliance of Unions at Owens Illinois (O-I) officially announced their coalition of workers at the company in four continents to CEO Al Strouken on 10 January 2013. The alliance will rally globally during the week of 4 February in joint protest of the company’s increasing hostility to its workers.

Los Mineros commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Lázaro Cárdenas tragedy

25 April, 201620 April will be the tenth anniversary of the tragedy at the Lázaro Cárdenas steel plant, Mexico. Two workers were killed in a federal and state security forces operation to evict them from the plant.

IndustriALL condemns assassination of union leader in Guatemala

30 June, 2016The Guatemalan trade union leader, Brenda Marleni Estrada Tambiento, died after being hit by five bullets. IndustriALL condemns the killing and calls on the government to intervene to stop the persecution of trade unions and social movements in the country.