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Philippine unions stand in solidarity with myanmar's fight for democracy

8 August, 2024On 3 August over fifty trade union leaders from the Council of Global Union Philippines including IndustriALL affiliates, the Associated Labor Unions (ALU) and the Philippine Metal Workers Alliance (PMA), gathered in Manila to show their solidarity with Myanmar's unions in their fight for democracy.

Global unions urge ILO to invoke Article 33 on Myanmar

11 June, 2024Yesterday global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC), in Geneva, gathered at the Broken Chair to call on the International Labour Organization(ILO) to invoke Article 33 of its constitution as the military junta ruiling Myanmar for more than three years has failed to carry out the recommendations given after an ILO Commission of Inquiry found serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols.

Shipping companies’ lifeline to Myanmar junta demonstrates disdain for human rights

22 April, 2024Unions slam shipping giants for sustaining regime, including Maersk’s hollow claim of performing ‘heightened human rights due diligence’.

Khaing Zar Aung wins Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights

11 April, 2024The 2024 Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights will be awarded to Khaing Zar Aung, who is a trade union leader and activist from Myanmar. This recognition acknowledges her efforts and determination in advocating for labour rights, particularly under the difficult situation in Myanmar since 2021.

Global unions call on EU to withdraw EBA and the MADE in Myanmar programme

1 February, 2024On the third anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, global unions call on the EU to reevaluate its policies towards Myanmar, as human rights abuse is rife in the country. The military regime has killed more than 4,000 people, arrested almost 26,000, and suspended civil society organisations, including free trade unions.

EU must end support for MADE in Myanmar and EBA policies

11 January, 2024After almost three years of military rule in Myanmar, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe reiterate their call for the European Union (EU) to withdraw support for the Multistakeholder Alliance for Decent Employment in the Myanmar Apparel Industry (MADE in Myanmar) project and the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) preferential trade agreement. The presence of EU brands in Myanmar provides vital foreign exchange which sustains the military regime and facilitates the purchase of arms, ammunition, and fuel.

IndustriALL campaign pushes H&M withdrawl from Myanmar

18 August, 2023On 16 August H&M, the world’s second biggest retailer, announced that it has decided to gradually stop sourcing from Myanmar, as reports of labour abuses in garment factories in the country increase. 

Unions file complaint against Italian brands remaining in Myanmar

17 July, 2023Italian NGO Italia-Birmana Insieme, who works with banned Myanmar trade union IWFM and CTUM, have filed a complaint with the OECD’s NCP in Italy against a number of garment brands, including Love Moschino and OVS, who still produce in Myanmar despite continuing violations of workers’ rights.

MADE in Myanmar Project - EU must stop supporting military junta’s rule

11 July, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe are reiterating their call for the EU to withdraw support for the MADE in Myanmar project, which effectively funds Myanmar’s military junta, as well for the withdrawal preferential tariffs under the Generalised System of Preferences. EU citizens and public funds should not be used to benefit the military junta, nor should they be associated with an EU-funded project where workers are threatened, dismissed or arrested without cause. Read the full statement.

Global unions meet representatives of Myanmar National Unity Government

16 June, 2023On 14 June, IndustriALL Global Union, ITUC and BWI met with Myo Min, union minister for the Ministry of Human Rights for the National Unity Government (NUG) of Myanmar and vowed to continue to support the fight for a return of democracy in the country. The NUG is the democratically elected government that was overthrown in the military coup of February 2021.