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Showing 91-100 of 118 results

Changing behaviours - organizing in Myanmar

16 April, 2018Yes, a Korean-owned garment factory in Yangon, Myanmar, is in some ways a rarity among the many other factories found in the township Hlaing Thar Yar. Workers here have formed a trade union and have negotiated a collective agreement with management.

Garment unions from across the world meet in Myanmar to share strategies

22 August, 2017Trade unionists from garment producing countries met on 14–18 August in Yangon, Myanmar, to discuss organizing in the supply chain and campaigning for a living wage.

Garment workers in Myanmar are fighting back

28 February, 2017Workers at the Hundred Tex Garment factory in Yangon, Myanmar, are demanding owed overtime payment and better working conditions after a drawn-out conflict with the Chinese management.  

IndustriALL Myanmar affiliates make rapid progress, despite challenges

7 December, 2016The Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) and the Mining Workers Federation of Myanmar (MWFM) participated in a series of IndustriALL workshops from 2-5 December on union building, gender and precarious work. 

7 October in Myanmar

10 October, 2016IndustriALL affiliates in Myanmar held an orientation on maternity protection.

Training future women leaders in South East Asia

24 May, 2016Eighty women workers in Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia have been trained in gender equality and leadership skills as part of IndustriALL Global Union’s gender-maternity protection project in South East Asia. 

Heavy metal in Myanmar

11 May, 2016Yangon’s South Dagon Industrial estate (Zone 3) is a labyrinth of metal workshops, stores and small factories. Nobody even knows the number of workers employed there.

Women unionists in South East Asia mobilize for year ahead

24 February, 2016Women trade unionists from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines are to make gender equality and maternity protection a priority in 2016, following a series of strategy meetings this month.

Agreement with H&M proves instrumental in resolving conflicts

7 January, 2016A global framework agreement (GFA) signed between IndustriALL Global Union and Swedish clothing company H&M has been an accelerator in reinstating sacked workers at garment factories in both Myanmar and Pakistan just a couple of months after it came into force.

Women affiliates trained in Myanmar

6 January, 2016Some 68 women leaders and members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the textile, garment and mining industries in Myanmar have been trained in team-building and leadership skills.