Strikers in Kyrgyzstan could face 15 years in prison13 March, 2014Newly submitted amendments to the criminal code would mean that directors and staff of strategically important enterprises could be imprisoned for up to 15 years for failure or stoppage of production.
Organizing leads to massive increase of the union membership in Kyrgyzstan21 September, 2016IndustriALL Kyrgyz affiliate the Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK) has recruited 12,000 workers since 2008 by taking a targeted approach to organizing, almost tripling membership from 8,000 to 20,000.
First meeting in Kyrgyzstan with new textile affiliate21 September, 2016IndustriALL Global Union and the newly affiliated, Textile Workers’ Union of Kyrgyzstan held their first ever meeting in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek on 5 September.
Base metals unions in CIS countries confront challenges20 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from CIS countries met on 17-18 April in Tbilisi, Georgia, to discuss union responses to trends and challenges in the base metals sector.
Unions unite to defend workers’ rights4 October, 2018Over 80 delegates representing 40 IndustriALL affiliates from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) met on 1 - 3 October in Baku, Azerbaijan, to discuss effective trade union response against the challenges in the regions.
Kyrgyz union leader Eldar Tadjibaev must be released! 18 January, 2024As the space for freedom of association in Kyrgyzstan is shrinking, IndustriALL is urging the ILO and the European Commission to intervene, reiterating the call to the President of Kyrgyzstan to release Eldar Tadjibaev from detention.
Miners in Kyrgyzstan demand wage arrears8 June, 2017Some 207 workers at TK Geo Reserve, a mining and processing company in Kyrgyzstan, are demanding to be paid for four months of unpaid wages.
Victory of trade unions in Kyrgyzstan28 April, 2014In the middle of March IndustriALL Global Union organized the international campaign of solidarity in protection of the rights of workers in Kyrgyzstan. As the result of this campaign the antistrike draft of law was blocked.
Young unionists from Central Asia demand attention to youth policy4 November, 2022Young union activists from the mining and metallurgical, oil and gas, textile and energy industries from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan attended an IndustriALL forum called “Youth for new trade union prospects” in Kyrgyzstan on 27-28 October.
Kyrgyzstan must abandon anti-union draft law23 November, 2020On 18 November, Kyrgyz unions protested against a draft law on trade unions that, if adopted, would deprive workers of the freedom of association.