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Showing 71-80 of 81 results

Lockout at Canadian Rolls-Royce site

18 March, 2022On 15 March, Rolls-Royce Canada locked out 530 workers at the Côte-de-Liesse aircraft engine maintenance factory in Montréal while they were attending a general meeting to discuss progress at the bargaining table.

United Steelworkers files ILO complaint against Quebec government

17 June, 2019USW Métallos in Canada, whose 1,000 members in Bécancour, Québec, have been locked out from work at the Alcoa plant for nearly 17 months after the company refused to negotiate, has filed a complaint with the International Labour Organization.

Unifor maintains refinery blockade as lockout approaches second month

30 January, 2020Eight hundred members of Unifor Local 594 have been blockading the Co-op Refinery in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada since they were locked out on December 5. They are offering to lift the blockade if the employer returns to the negotiating table.

USW cement workers in Canada reach agreement with LafargeHolcim

11 May, 2016After several months of struggle and a three-month strike, cement workers at LafargeHolcim in Saint-Constant, Canada have won the battle in a conflict with the multinational cement producer.

Canadian unions in action on Mexico

7 February, 2013Unions and worker rights supporters took action across Canada as part of the Mexico Days of Action 18 to 24 February 2013.

Canada – USW successfully reduces layoffs at Rio Tinto

16 June, 2015Following a mass rally in May, trade union at Rio Tinto majority owned Iron Ore Company of Canada has managed to reduce the number of planned layoffs from 150 to 95 workers.

IndustriALL raises labour matters at Glencore annual shareholders’ meeting

24 May, 2017At Glencore’s 2017 annual general shareholders meeting in Zug, Switzerland on 24 May, IndustriALL Global Union, together with its affiliates UNIA of Switzerland and USW (Workers Uniting North America) expressed serious concerns on the growing list of violations that continue to impact workers and communities at many of the company’s operations.

CRH cement workers fight for justice and win

23 November, 2020After almost two months of lockout workers of Demix Béton, a Canadian subsidiary of cement multinational CRH represented by IndustriALL affiliate FIM-CSN union signed an agreement with their employer.

Crown campaign finds support in Italy and France

13 May, 2014The representatives of the USW Local 9176 members leading a heroic fight in Toronto, Canada against the food and beverage package producer multinational Crown Holdings rendered a visit of solidarity to their colleagues working for the company factories in Italy and France.

Unions building global power against attacks by Crown Holdings

26 February, 2014Trade unions from Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and UK met on 25 February in Switzerland to confront the anti-union strategy of Crown Holdings, an American multinational packaging company.