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Showing 11-20 of 190 results

USA: United Electrical fight to keep 950 jobs in Erie

27 June, 2013IndustriALL affiliate United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) vows to continue effort to save 950 jobs from being relocated, despite GE’s rejection of the union’s offer on 23 June.

USW mobilizes for fair contracts in steel industry

21 August, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW) is holding a week of action in the United States to demand a fair contract with steel giants ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

ITUC launches petition to halt TPP trade negotiations

9 June, 2015The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), together with national trade union centres, is demanding transparency in discussions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)  — a free trade agreement currently being negotiated in secret.

United Steelworkers fighting for fair contracts

17 September, 2015Over 30,000 workers employed in the U.S. steel industry are wearing a days “Fair contract now!” sticker to show solidarity with their co-workers in ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

The true cost of Olympic uniforms

18 July, 2012Recent debate in the US about Team USA’s Olympic uniforms being produced in China has sparked controversy on the trend of clothing multinationals resorting to cheaper production in developing countries. This trend is not new and continues to impact workers in low wage countries, Play Fair demands that multinational companies do more.

Recognition victory for Mexican metalworkers

19 July, 2012The protracted battle of Mexican metalworkers at DMI to organize into STIMAHCS finally ended in victory on 6 July, after a patient and determined fight that illustrates the barriers to trade union freedoms in Mexico.

Lock out of New York utility workers ends

30 July, 2012UWUA reached a tentative contract settlement with Consolidated Edison on Thursday 26 July ending a month-long lockout and a return to work for all 8,500 utility workers in New York.

Siemens GFA put to early test in the US

28 August, 2012The new Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with electronics multinational Siemens is being put to the test in a USW organizing drive at a plant in Maryland, USA. Join the LabourStart campaign to support workers threatened by company-hired union busters ahead of a 6 September vote.

Unions from the US and Canada create network in the cement sector

12 September, 2016On 8 September 2016, unions from the United States and Canada representing workers in the rapidly changing cement sector met in Washington D.C. to discuss future cooperation.

Trade unions protest one year after Mariana mining disaster

20 October, 2016Trade unions from all over the world are together preparing a protest for 5 November, the first anniversary of the biggest environmental tragedy in Brazil’s history, at the Samarco mine, BHP Billiton.