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Showing 1-10 of 191 results

Sign the Accord, Levi’s!

30 June, 2022Last week, IndustriALL affiliates Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation and US Workers United joined United Students Against Sweatshops, Model Alliance, Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility at Levi’s flagship store in Times Square in New York City, to call on the denim giant to join the International Accord.

Apple workers join US union

21 June, 2022Over 100 employees at one of Apple’s stores in Maryland, USA, have voted overwhelmingly in favour of joining a union, IndustriALL affiliate International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).

USA: IndustriALL backs workers at Ciner Wyoming ahead of union vote

21 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is backing workers at Ciner in Wyoming, USA, where company management has intensified its pressure on employees to vote against union representation in an election taking place this week.

Unions at Gerdau take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Gerdau plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.

Foundation laid for WestRock world trade union alliance

2 May, 2018WestRock trade union colleagues from US, Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America, met on 20 April in London, UK. The meeting adopted a plan to establish a global alliance of all unions representing WestRock employees around the world.

North American unions ready to challenge cement multinationals

2 May, 201824 delegates from IndustriALL affiliates International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, International Brotherhood of Teamsters and United Steelworkers both from US and Canada met on 1 May in Washington D.C. to discuss and coordinate efforts to tackle developments and challenges faced by unions in the cement sector.

Honeywell lockout in the US ends with new agreement

13 April, 2015Members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 voted to ratify a new three-year collective agreement at the Honeywell nuclear power plant in Metropolis, Illinois. The agreement ends a seven-month lockout covering 150 union members.

USW reaches tentative agreement in oil sector

20 March, 2015IndustriALL affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), and petrochemical company Shell have reached a tentative agreement to bring an end to the national oil workers’ strike, which began on 1 February.

US Utility Workers protest CEO’s pay

23 May, 2013Some 300 angry union members of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) and their allies within the West Virginia AFL-CIO protested outside the Annual General Meeting of FirstEnergy, the US’s third largest electric power company.

Investor warning: risk shoppers turned off by Gap’s stand on Bangladesh safety deal

21 May, 2013Investors warned, ahead of today’s Gap AGM, the company is out of touch on Bangladesh Safety Accord and risks shoppers’ anger. 40 leading worldwide retail brands have agreed to sign up to the safety deal but Gap, along with Walmart, has declined.