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Showing 1-10 of 394 results

Unions in Asia-Pacific resolve to strengthen trade union networks

25 September, 2024On 19 September, IndustriALL organized an Asia-Pacific MNC trade union network meeting with affiliated unions in the region’s chemical and pharmaceutical sector. This was followed by a trade union network meeting with BASF unions on 20 September. The network meetings were jointly organised by IndustriALL’s south Asia and southeast Asia offices, in Mumbai, India.

Youth working group backs creation of a global youth committee

23 August, 2024In a regional virtual meeting, 20 August, members of IndustriALL youth working group in South East Asia, East Asia and Pacific (SEA2PAC-Y) unanimously adopt a resolution to support the establishment of an IndustriALL Global youth committee. 

Protecting workers’ rights in Southeast Asia amid transformation

30 July, 2024On 26 July, Southeast Asia unions met to discuss the impact of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI), they committed to protect workers’ rights as the world of work enters a period of uncertainty.

Human rights and responsible business conduct in Asia Pacific’s textile sector

13 June, 2024On 5-6 June, IndustriALL Asia-Pacific affiliates met in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for a workshop on human rights due diligence and a stakeholder roundtable focused on responsible business conduct and industrial relations.

Cambodian and Philippine youth fight against precarious work

29 May, 2024With widespread and increasing use of contract work, young unionists in Cambodia and the Philippines are determined to fight the trend.

Addressing workers' rights amid escalating challenges in Asia Pacific

19 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union’s Asia-Pacific regional executive committee met virtually on 16 April, uniting union leaders to demonstrate solidarity with ongoing labour struggles across the region. The meeting was marked by discussions on increasing precarious employment and a united call for decent work for all.

IndustriALL’s Asia-Pacific affiliates meet in Kuala Lumpur

7 November, 2023IndustriALL’s proposed gender-based violence policy, cost of living crises, trade union violations and Just Transition were some of the agenda items debated at IndustriALL’s Asia Pacific women’s committee and executive committee meetings held in Kuala Lumpur on 30 and 31 October, respectively.

Building organizing power in South East Asia

19 September, 202320 organizers met in Bangkok, Thailand to complete their three-year Organizers’ Development Programme (ODP), a joint training developed by IndustriALL and IG Metall focusing on strategic organizing, methods and campaigns. The aim is to provide organizers with skills and knowledge to develop organizing strategies, strategic planning and campaigning.

Building stronger unions in Asia Pacific through collective struggle

7 June, 2023IndustriALL Global Union Asia Pacific executive committee urges affiliates in the region to build stronger unions through collective efforts.

Textile unions in Asia Pacific commit to campaign for safe workplaces

23 May, 2023A two-day workshop on health and safety in the TGSL sector in Asia Pacific, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 18-19 May, 2023, discussed global developments in the sector, specifically the ILO Code of Practice in Health and Safety in Textiles, clothing, leather and footwear, the International Accord and IndustriALL’s global campaign on Garment workers need safe factories.