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Showing 11-20 of 391 results

Time for ATG in Sri Lanka to back off

22 June, 2018IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate in Sri Lanka is ramping up demands on rubber glove manufacturer ATG Ceylon to stop union busting at its factories. 

Ericsson unionists strengthen network in South and South East Asia

6 June, 2018The Ericsson trade union network of South and South East Asia met in New Delhi on 1 June to discuss the trade union situation, challenges and critical issues faced by workers at Ericsson plants in the region.

Safety remains elusive on second anniversary of Gadani shipbreaking accident

5 November, 2018One day after the second anniversary of one of the deadliest accidents in the history of the Pakistani shipbreaking industry, there was yet another fire in the Gadani shipyard.

Cement unions in India commit to improve occupational health and safety

31 July, 2019Cement sector union representatives from different parts of India gathered at Chennai on 29-30 July 2019 to take stock and improve occupational health and safety (OHS) initiatives, social dialogue and union power.

REPORT: Electronics industry, organizing and fighting against precarious work

19 May, 2015The electronics industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the global economy. As society is increasingly smarter and digitally connected, it continues to boom.

Regional commitment to sustainable industrial policy grows

16 October, 2013Following the discussion in Sub-Saharan Africa earlier this year, affiliates in South Asia and Latin America have met to develop their action plans to promote sustainable industrial policy.

Unions mobilize around the world against precarious work

10 October, 2013Once again on 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, worldwide attention has been drawn to the negative impacts of precarious work as unions around the world mobilize.

Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in India beaten and fired after joining union

27 May, 2019When Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in Himachal Pradesh became members of the Association of Chemical Workers Union in October 2018, management unleashed a series of vindictive actions aimed at union busting.

Essilor unions in the Philippines pledge to build trade union network

11 June, 2019Two local unions of French-based international lens makers Essilor meet to share workplace experiences and plan future cooperation within and beyond borders.

Myanmar must reform labour laws to end union busting

7 June, 2019Twenty-five unionists from the Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) and the Mining Workers Federation of Myanmar (MWFM) converged in Yangon on 17-18 May 2019 for a mid-term meeting of the union building project.