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Showing 1-10 of 19 results

Empty seat at the table highlights the plight of women in the energy transition in Latin America

22 July, 2024Twelve women trade union leaders from the energy sector in five countries in Latin America came together this week in an IndustriALL event in Bogotá to push for Just Transition plans to address the impact of the energy transition on women.

Unions in Argentina condemn reform bill with major impact on workers

19 June, 2024Unions in Argentina condemn the Senate’s passing of the reform bill, which they say will undermine sovereignty, roll back labour rights and leave future generations without prospects.

Strike for fair working conditions at ArcelorMittal in Mexico

17 June, 2024The National Miners’ Union of Mexico (Los Mineros) are on strike at the ArcelorMittal plant in Lázaro Cárdenas Michoacán, demanding fair and dignified working conditions.

Uruguay’s PIT-CNT union condemns illegal surveillance of their president

12 June, 2024Uruguayan trade union federation PIT-CNT is concerned at government officials’ illegal surveillance of its president, Marcelo Abdala, as this could damage the country’s democratic values.

Renault workers in Brazil on strike for more than 25 days

4 June, 2024Workers at the Renault Horse factory in São José dos Pinhais have been striking for improved health and safety conditions since 7 May, calling on the employer to return to the negotiating table.

GM workers in Colombia and Ecuador condemn plant shutdowns

22 May, 2024General Motors (GM) is closing plants in Colombia and Ecuador in a move to drive the industry towards an emissions-free future. Workers are demanding  job stability during the transition and calling for re-skilling.

IndustriALL condemns murder of USO member in Colombia

16 May, 2024Young worker Jhon Jarry Vargas Sarabia has been murdered in Colombia. IndustriALL and Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) call on the authorities to investigate the motives behind the killing.

Argentinian unions bring country to a standstill in defence of labour rights

14 May, 2024Together with other workers in the country, IndustriALL affiliates in Argentina staged an extraordinary national work stoppage on 9 May, protesting against the government and employers who are promoting the removal of established labour and social rights.

Latin American unions in solidarity with Argentina’s workers

20 March, 2024IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean stand in solidarity with workers in Argentina, in light of the Milei government’s constant undermining of labour rights.

Sintracarbón signs agreement with Cerrejón Colombia and avoids strike action

4 March, 2024Colombian union Sintracarbón signed a collective bargaining agreement with multinational Carbones del Cerrejón Limited on 27 February, ending a dispute and preventing a strike. The agreement provides for additional benefits, including higher wages, the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts and longer maternity leave.