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Showing 1-10 of 29 results

Social dialogue key to better industrial relations in Ghana

12 July, 2019To get the most out of social dialogue, stakeholders must engage and one of the ways to do so is to have effective forums in which labour, employers and government effectively participate.

African unions confront precarious work

29 January, 2014Meeting in Togo, affiliates from 13 African countries evaluated their successes and challenges in 2013 and strategized how they will continue to make progress against precarious work in 2014.

Union in Ghana calls for strike against retrenchment of 2,150 mineworkers

8 March, 2018The Ghana Mineworkers Union (GMWU) has announced a series of strikes in solidarity with 2,150 mineworkers who face retrenchments at Gold Fields Ghana Limited Tarkwa mine – about 200km from Accra. There will be strikes on 13 March at Tarkwa and Damang, a sympathy strike by mining workers on 20 March, and a general strike on 27 March.

Global fight for workers’ rights continues at Crown Holdings

5 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union stands firm with Crown workers all over the world fighting for their rights against the unscrupulous US-based multinational packaging producer.

Unions optimistic as AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi mine in Ghana resumes operations

20 February, 2020Following a period of uncertainty, when the Obuasi mine was put on limited operations, and then on care and maintenance in 2016, the mine is up and running again.

Up skilling youth in Ghanaian trade unions

12 July, 2023Are young workers in unions using digital technologies effectively for organizing and improving their involvement in occupational health and safety at the workplace? A project evaluation meeting in Accra on 3-6 June learned what is happening in the unions.  

Organizing in Ghana’s growing automotive sector moves into fast gear

23 December, 2021With new automotive assembly plants being commissioned in Ghana, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU), is intensifying its recruitment and organizing of workers in the sector.

Chinese power company bashes Ghanaian union

28 March, 2023The Ghana Mine Workers' Union (GMWU) an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, is fighting against continuous workers’ rights violations at Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Limited which runs a natural gas-powered thermal power station. 

IndustriALL affiliates celebrate Africa Industrialization Day – 2017

22 November, 2017Several events were held in conjunction with Africa Industrialization Day, 2017.

Ghana: IndustriALL members locked out at Crown Holdings

11 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Industrial & Commercial Workers' Union (ICU) protest against the lock out at Crown Holdings in Ghana.