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Showing 1-10 of 34 results

SKF World Union Council meets with top management

7 October, 2022In the first face-to-face meeting in many years, the SKF European Works Council (EWC), World Union Council (WUC), and SKF top management met in Gothenburg, Sweden, to discuss the company’s strategy and future.

Sweden Actions

8 October, 2013IF Metall: On 7 October IF Metall presented two new films on the importance of being a trade union member and about the national contract for temporary agency workers.

Swedish unions help to strengthen their Latin American peers

18 April, 2019Representatives from Swedish unions IF Metall and Unionen met with IndustriALL Global Union leaders in Uruguay to plan the project to build union power in Latin America.

IndustriALL, UNI and BWI sign global framework agreement with Stora Enso

19 January, 2018The three global unions today signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the renewable materials company Stora Enso at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, in the presence of ILO Director General Guy Ryder. Observer signatures were made by the presidents of the Swedish Paper Workers’ Union, the Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers’, and the Finnish Paper Workers’ Union.

How can H&M justify its presence in Myanmar?

4 May, 2023Swedish fashion giant H&M’s ESG record is better than many of its peers and the company’s responsible business practices has cemented a constructive relationship with IndustriALL. And yet H&M refuses to stop sourcing from Myanmar, a military dictatorship where unions are banned and foreign exchange are used to buy weapons. At today’s AGM, IndustriALL raised the question with the company.  

National industry agreements reached in Sweden

12 April, 2013After a long set of negotiations, Swedish industrial workers and employers reached an agreement for wages to rise 6.8 per cent over the next three years.

PROFILE: Superheroes to the rescue

3 December, 2015With membership levels dwindling, Swedish trade union and IndustriALL affiliate Unionen was faced with a challenge – organize or die.

IndustriALL Global Union signs two new Global Framework Agreements

13 December, 2013During the course of two days IndustriALL Global Union signed as many Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) with leading companies in the pulp and paper industry; SCA in Sweden and Norske Skog in Norway.

IndustriALL’s aerospace sector prioritizes trade union rights in emerging economies

2 February, 2023At the end of January, IndustriALL affiliates in the aerospace sector met in Casablanca, Morocco, to discuss the industry and a strategic roadmap ahead. The region was chosen to emphasize the importance of emerging aerospace economies like Mexico, India and the MENA region, mainly Morocco and Tunisia.

Cold Facts: H&M garments produced in miserable working conditions in Cambodia

6 November, 2012Kalla Fakta (Cold Facts), an investigative Swedish TV show on 24 October, exposed poor working and living conditions under which H&M, one of the leading fashion brand’s garment products are produced.