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IndustriALL’s new issue of Global Worker out now

19 May, 2015IndustriALL’s fifth edition of Global Worker is out now with a fresh new look. The magazine includes a new set of features, interviews and profiles on a range of different topics from a workers’ perspective.

PROFILE: Nigerian unions get creative and organize informal workers

19 May, 2015With the collapse of many traditional industries, Nigeria has seen a rapid growth of workers in the informal sector. Statistics indicate that over 60 per cent of the Nigerian workforce is found in the informal economy.

Nigerian unions challenge obstacles to industrialization

28 November, 2014IndustriALL affiliates in Nigeria organized a tripartite roundtable to consider ways to improve industrialization in the country, followed by a rally to commemorate Africa Industrialization Day.

Living wages a major demand in Africa

22 October, 2014Campaigns are being developed in several African countries to push for living wages.


14 October, 2014IndustriALL affiliates in Nigeria held a press conference to highlight the programmes and activities planned on 7 October for the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW).

Nigerian abducted schoolgirls must not be forgotten

10 July, 2014IndustriALL’s Executive Committee has adopted a resolution calling on the Nigerian government to do everything in its power to return more than 200 abducted schoolgirls to safety.

African unions confront precarious work

29 January, 2014Meeting in Togo, affiliates from 13 African countries evaluated their successes and challenges in 2013 and strategized how they will continue to make progress against precarious work in 2014.

Nigeria Actions

18 October, 2013In Nigeria, affiliated unions and civil society allies, took to the streets of Lagos to protest increasing casualisation of workers, outsourcing, contract staffing and anti-union behaviour by employers.

Nupeng strike demands met

8 August, 2013A three day warning strike in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Sector in July was called off on the second day after the government intervened to set up two interministerial committees to address issues raised by the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (Nupeng).

Nupeng issues ultimatum over unfair labour practises

27 June, 2013Nupeng plans to strike on Monday 1 July if government does not respond to their demands to address anti-union and unfair labour practices of multinationals, in particular Shell Petroleum Development Company, Chevron Nigeria Limited and Agip Oil Company.