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Unions in Burkina Faso and Senegal fight back against precarious work

1 December, 2016The lives of hundreds of precarious workers have been dramatically improved by unions after they were regularized and organized in a campaign against precarious work.

Senegal: Unions build strength through organizing and collaboration

12 March, 2019Over 30 participants at a union building workshop and women’s meeting in Dakar, 25-26 February, resolved to recruit and organize more workers, defend the rights of women workers, fight precarious work, strengthen leadership capacity, and increase union-to-union collaboration.

Sanches urges rethink on African development strategies

16 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Valter Sanches has urged affiliates in Sub Saharan Africa to rethink development strategies for the continent, and to engage their governments on sustainable industrialization.

African unions confront precarious work

29 January, 2014Meeting in Togo, affiliates from 13 African countries evaluated their successes and challenges in 2013 and strategized how they will continue to make progress against precarious work in 2014.

Wage discrimination and corruption at Medis Dakar in Senegal

3 July, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Senegal, Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Industries Chimiques et Activités Assimilées du Sénégal (SYNTICS), and the Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Sénégal (CNTS) to which it also belongs, are condemning the wage discrimination and corruption at pharmaceutical company Medis Dakar.

Pushing back precarious work in Senegal

3 July, 2017Collective bargaining agreements negotiated by IndustriALL affiliates, SYNTICS and SUTIDS unions, recently saw 123 daily workers getting permanent jobs in Senegal. Those with five to 10-years-experience were either being permanently employed or receiving on-the-job training.

ITUC holds women’s organizing assembly in Dakar

28 November, 2013From 19 to 21 November 2013 the ITUC held its second world women’s conference which was actually an organizing assembly. It took place in Dakar, Senegal. The point was to shift the global agenda by organizing women, to make the most of women’s organized power to turn the global situation of inequality around.

Senegal – affiliates mobilizing for 7 October

18 September, 20157 October will be the culmination of a campaign run since August by IndustriALLGlobal Union’s affiliates in Senegal against abusive use of daily and seasonal work.

Trade unions in Western Africa fight against precarious work

29 October, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from Togo, Senegal and Burkina Faso have managed to convert several hundreds of precarious workers into permanent workers.