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IndustriALL Iraqi affiliates fighting for workers’ unpaid wages

17 April, 2015The IndustriALL Global Union national council of trade unions in Iraq is leading the campaign for unpaid Iraqi workers of state-owned companies. 

The long road towards ILO–compliant Labour and Trade Union Laws in Iraq

14 November, 2013Erbil in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq was the venue for the latest discussions between unions and Iraqi parliamentarians and the Ministry of Labour regarding the ongoing struggle for acceptable Labour Laws in Iraq. The struggle continues!

Union Victory! Basra Court finally drops charges against Hassan Juma’a

2 July, 2013Acquittal for the Iraqi oil workers’ leader Hassan Juma’a was finally achieved on 1 July. The sham judicial process persecuting Hassan for organizing workers was defeated after four months of trade union campaigning supported by international solidarity.

Iraq: unions demand legal rights over ratification of ILO C87

4 November, 2016The adoption of a new labour law in Iraq last year has created more space for IndustriALL and its Iraqi affiliates to deepen the programme of work and campaign for legislation that meets international standards.

Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq

5 June, 2024On 2 June 2024, Iraqi security forces escalated their violence against contract workers at the South Refineries Company, who were peacefully protesting for permanent contracts. The brutality was described as "deadly" by Iraqi unions.

Iraqi judiciary used to persecute trade union

21 March, 2013In a clear reprisal attack for trade union activism at the state-owned South Oil Company (SOC), Hassan Juma’a Awad the head of IndustriALL’s affiliate, the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), now faces criminal charges launched by the authorities.

Condemn the ongoing harsh persecution of Hassan Juma’a

18 April, 2013Click here to send your message to the Iraqi government and denounce the vindictive criminal charges facing trade union leader Hassan Juma’a Awad.

Iraqi workers need good laws now!

14 November, 2013For the past 10 years unions in Iraq have mobilized and campaigned for the government to pass a new labour and trade union law. Today, the 1987 Saddam Hussein-era laws remain in effect and are actively enforced. They prevent unions from carrying out normal union activity.

Iraqi unions demand input on draft social security and retirement law

28 March, 2023The new draft bill on social security and retirement law allows for workers to receive social services after retirement, which is not in the current law. It permits workers be represented by two members on the executive board of the social security and retirement fund. In the current law workers are represented by one member. 

Strengthening union organization in Iraq’s oil and gas sector

9 April, 2024The first founding congress to elect the leadership of the Basra branch of the General Federation of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Unions in Iraq (GFOGPUI) was held on 9 March under the slogan: Organizing, is the real support of the Iraqi trade union movement.