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Showing 81-90 of 107 results

Victory for Foxconn workers in Brazil

29 September, 2014Workers at Foxconn’s second plant in Jundiaí, Brazil have succeeded in attaining the same salary and career opportunities as employees in the company’s other major plant in the city.

EC Project on Organizing ICT, Electrical & Electronics Workers: Training Session in Taiwan-R.O.C.

18 July, 2014ICT, Electrical & Electronics unions in Taiwan discuss and learn about the importance of organizing unorganized workers and actively discussed how to strengthen their own union cooperation.

iPhone 6 supplier NXP ramps up intimidation and delaying tactics

16 July, 2014NXP Semiconductors, the billion-dollar electronics manufacturer, is further intimidating workers and using delaying tactics to break trade union demands to reinstate 24 illegally fired workers in the Philippines.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.

Stop regression to Korea's authoritarian past!

4 June, 2014IndustriALL and its afffiliate Korean Metal Workers' Union calls on South Korean President Park Geun-hye to take immediate measures to implement labour supervisory mechanisms to stop Samsung labour repression and ensure it collectively bargains with the KMWU local to conclude a living wage and collective agreement.

IBM unions agree new global strategy to fight job cuts

17 April, 2014IBM unions have agreed a new global strategy to fight thousands of job cuts and deteriorating working conditions at the computer services giant.

Italian unions mobilize against dismissals at Micron Semiconductor

21 March, 2014IndustriALL Italian affiliates FIM, FIOM and UILM together with the employees are undertaking a series of protests and intensive mobilization with the goal of informing government agencies and involving the parent company in the negotiations.

Japanese metalworkers secured the biggest pay rise since 1999

20 March, 2014The 2014 yearly wage bargaining Spring Labor Offensive by the Japanese metalworkers’ unions achieved reasonable results.

IndustriALL Executives condemn Samsung for union busting

5 December, 2013Today at the international body meeting, IndustriALL Executive Committee members unanimously approved a petition condemning Samsung Electronics for union busting policy.

Siemens Employee Federation make efforts on organizing Precarious Workers

25 October, 2013The Siemens Employee Federation (SEF) will set up 3 year project to make efforts on organizing all workers working directly or indirectly for the Siemens in India to ensure the same equal rights and working conditions as the permanent workers.