Achieving gender equality in male dominated sectors19 October, 2018On 16-17 October, IndustriALL affiliates from across the world met in Cape Town, South Africa, to develop strategies for achieving gender equality in the mining, base metals, materials and energy sectors.
Indian cement unions show concrete organizing results 13 September, 2018IndustriALL Global Union held a cement union workshop on 10-11 September in Udaipur, India. Trade union leaders from across the country discussed trade union strategies for the growing cement sector on the Indian subcontinent.
United States: Imerys locks out Montana talc workers13 September, 2018Thirty-five members of Boilermakers Local D239 in Three Forks, Montana, have been locked out of an Imerys talc plant since 2 August 2018, after rejecting the company’s contract proposal to slash benefits and undermine working conditions. Among other demands, the company wants to freeze defined benefit pensions, end health care benefits for future retirees and gut established seniority protections.
IndustriALL creates a ‘macro sector’ for manufacturing industries21 August, 2018Fifty trade union leaders from the ‘macro sector’ of manufacturing industries across Latin American and the Caribbean met for the first time from 13 to 15 August in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their aim was to discuss the future world of work and come up with joint initiatives.
South East Asia cement unions call for sustainable future19 July, 2018Trade union representatives from cement unions in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines came together in Padang, Indonesia on 16 and 17 July - on the eve of the fifth Congress of Indonesian cement union FSP-ISI, held on the 18th and 19th – to reinforce their networking.
Zambian unions petition Dangote on violation of workers’ rights6 July, 2018After recruiting and organizing over 500 workers at the Dangote Cement plant in Masaiti on the outskirts of Ndola, Zambian unions are being prevented from meeting with their members and collecting membership fees because of the company’s blatant violation of workers’ rights and union busting practices.
Unions demand LafargeHolcim keeps its word and respects workers’ lives8 May, 2018Unions protested outside Swiss company LafargeHolcim’s annual shareholders meeting near Zurich today, demanding that the cement giant keeps its word and signs a global framework agreement safeguarding workers’ rights at its operations worldwide.
India: Cement unions call for improved health and safety in multinational corporations 10 April, 2018Indian cement sector affiliates of IndustriALL called for improved occupational health and safety (OHS) and social dialogue in multinational corporations (MNCs) and Indian cement units at a meeting in Mumbai on 7 and 8 April 2018.
Zambia: Building strong unions to confront hostile employers15 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates in Zambia, representing 57,000 workers in the chemical, cement, ceramics, textiles, mining, engineering and other sectors, met on 13 – 14 March to discuss how unions can build power and retain their legacy as key social actors in the country.
Another worker killed at LafargeHolcim operation in India29 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On 30 January, just few days after the killing of the contract worker Arun Singh at LafargeHolcim another similar incident happened again at the same factory. According to the union representative Vijay Thakre this time fortunately no worker was injured, but the incident poses serious doubts about effectiveness of health and safety policies of the company.