More than 100 workers dismissed at Honduran company distributing Caterpillar equipment25 July, 2012The union representing workers at CEMCOL has denounced the company’s anti-trade union attitude and requested solidarity.
Solidarity does make a difference at Caterpillar18 July, 2012AMWU members at Caterpillar mining machinery plant in New South Wales have achieved an important victory in their struggle for a nine-day fortnight and pay increases for all workers.
Belgian unions spearhead proposals to save jobs at Caterpillar9 July, 2012Belgian affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union representing Caterpillar workers at the Gosselies plant have pushed for negotiation with management to find alternatives to the non-renewal of fixed-term work contracts.
Caterpillar locks out workers in Australia27 June, 2012Bucyrus, a member of Caterpillar group of companies, producer of mining machines in New South Wales, Australia locked out 150 workers, members of the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU). IndustriALL Global Union calls for solidarity.
Metalworkers give green light to IndustriALL19 June, 2012800 delegates gathered at the IMF Congress in Copenhagen voted to join forces with mining and energy worker and create the new 50 million strong IndustriALL Global Union.
Vallourec25 May, 2012Vallourec, a world market leader in the field of seamless tubes, signed an "Agreement on the principles of responsibility" on April 9, 2009.
SKF25 May, 2012A Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Swedish-based company SKF, at that time covering 39,000 employees at 80 manufacturing sites in 22 countries, was signed on November 1, 2003.
GEA25 May, 2012A declaration on Principles of Social Responsibility exists with German-based engineering company GEA, specialized in process technology, thermal and energy technology as well as air treatment and dairy farm systems.
Brunel25 May, 2012Brunel is a Netherlands-based international recruitment and service provider specialized in deploying skilled workers in the fields of engineering, ICT, legal, finance and insurance and banking.
Bosch25 May, 2012The Global Framework Agreement entitled "Basic principles of social responsibility at Bosch", with the German-based automotive and engineering transnational was signed with the Bosch Group European Works Council, and the International Metalworkers' Federation.