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Showing 21-30 of 322 results

Ghana mineworkers vow to continue fighting for better working conditions

20 December, 2023The Ghana Mine Workers Union (GMWU), an affiliate of IndustriALL, prides itself on making a significant impact towards improving the wages and working conditions in the mining sector in Ghana.

Union-win in Australia with legislation on contract workers

7 December, 2023In a major victory for (labour-hire) contract workers across Australia, new legislation has passed that ensures that contract workers are paid the same as permanent workers performing the same role. 

South Africa: 12 workers killed at Impala Platinum Mine

30 November, 2023What could have been a joyous end of shift for 86 miners at Impala Platinum Holding Limited, Implats, mine in Rustenburg on 27 November ended up in a horrific accident that claimed the lives of 12 workers and seriously injured 74 workers who are in hospital.

Trade unions strategize pathways for human rights due diligence in Africa

2 November, 2023Sub-Saharan African (SSA) trade unions strategized how human rights due diligence can be a catalyst to achieving their demands for multinational companies to respect fundamental workers’ rights, decent work, living wages, and protection of the environment and community rights. Unions gathered at this conference on 19 and 20 October in Mombasa, Kenya.

Mining unions prioritize building power along critical minerals supply chains

30 October, 2023The IndustriALL mining sector conducted a three-day-round of global meetings elaborating the main agenda items surrounding the industry. The last meeting on 26 October 2023 gave a particular strategic attention to critical raw materials as they are at the front edge of the energy transition with opportunities and challenges to workers and their unions.  

Union to protest against high mine accident deaths in South Africa

12 October, 2023IndustriALL affiliate the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is planning protests for better occupational health and safety due to the high number of workers dying in mine accidents.

Organizing is key in growing battery industry

6 October, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union held their first joint meeting on the battery supply chain in Budapest, Hungary on 5 and 6 October. The joint global meeting was seen as a positive and successful experience by the participants. Both organisations will explore further international cooperation and develop future activities to support affiliates in organising workers throughout the battery supply chain.

Malagasy unionists arrested over QMM protests must be released!

19 July, 2023From 26 June to 3 July, Madagascar’s independence days, communities from the villages surrounding the Rio Tinto subsidiary QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) mining site at Mandena in Toalagnaro (Fort Dauphin) protested inadequate financial compensation on loss of livelihoods, water pollution, and community exclusion from consultations when the mining licence was renewed by the government. In dispersing the protestors, the police and gendarmerie used disproportionate force which saw ten demonstrators injured and over 80 arrested and imprisoned, including five trade unionists.

Georgian miners' win

3 July, 2023An 18-day industrial action in Georgia's mining sector in the town of Chiatura has ended with important achievements as the employer agreed to the workers’ key demands, one of which was a twelve per cent salary increase in line with inflation in the country.

Unions demand sincere dialogue with Glencore ahead of AGM

25 May, 2023Ahead of Glencore’s AGM on 26 May, IndustriALL Global Union brought together representatives from trade unions at Glencore operations around the world, as well as from communities touched by the Swiss mining company’s blatant lack of willingness to address serious environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues across its global operations for a pre-AGM.