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Showing 81-90 of 102 results

Worker action succeeds at Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers

13 February, 2014178 paper sector workers employed by Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers (MSM) Ltd have staged a successful sit-in at the factory in protest at being laid off without compensation.

IndustriALL Global Union signs two new Global Framework Agreements

13 December, 2013During the course of two days IndustriALL Global Union signed as many Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) with leading companies in the pulp and paper industry; SCA in Sweden and Norske Skog in Norway.

Serious dispute at cardboard company in Honduras

29 October, 2013IndustriALL has offered its solidarity to 70 members of its Honduran affiliate, the FITH. They were sacked for protesting at the anti-trade union actions taken by their employer, the Korean cardboard company, Corporación Cartonera 3j Fenix, located in Villanueva, a municipality in the department of Cortés. IndustriALL has called on the Ministry of Labour to intervene and resolve the dispute.

IndustriALL affiliates form International Paper network

12 September, 2013The IndustriALL Global Union sectoral activities in the paper industry now include the newly formed trade union network of workers of International Paper worldwide.

Tough negotiations for new collective bargaining agreement for German paper sector

12 July, 2013After several hard rounds of negotiations the IG BCE has reached a new two-year collective agreement for its members in the German paper sector.

Chilean unions in pulp and paper sector achieve historic unity

4 July, 2013At a meeting of the Mercosur Pulp & Paper project, held in Chile on 21-22 June, workers in the timber, paper and cellulose sector in Chile took an important step towards trade union unity by creating a new confederation, the Confederación de Trabajadores de la Madera, Papel, Celulosa y afines de Chile.

CEP marches for equality

25 June, 2013The Canadian affiliate of IndustriAll Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP), marched to Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Saturday, 22 June 2013, to vocalize their demands in the March of the Aprons.

Sappi union network launched

19 June, 2013On 3-5 June 2013 trade union representatives of workers employed by the Sappi company met in Johannesburg, where the company has its headquarters, with the aim to create a trade union network at the pulp and paper multinational.

Paper workers celebrate victories in Indonesia

31 January, 2013Members of two Indonesian unions, affiliates of IndustriALL through the Federation of Pulp and Paper Workers’ Union (FSP2KI) are celebrating victory in Indonesia.

Paper union leader is criminalized in Indonesia

29 January, 2013Djody Soegiharto, chairman of the Paper Workers' Union has been fired and accused of defamation when supported workers in their legitimate claims to the company for unpaid wages and benefits.