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From contract to permanent employment – fighting for workers in the supply chain

23 June, 2016Indonesian pulp and paper union FSP2KI has successfully reinstated dismissed contract workers, as well as turning them into directly employed permanent employees.

IndustriALL pulp and paper unions target multinationals

5 September, 2016In order to build strength and coordination, the IndustriALL pulp, paper and packaging unions of South East Asia have established a new trade union network with an ambitious action plan. Two multinationals have specifically been identified for action, Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) and Kimberly Clark (KC).

Foundation laid for WestRock world trade union alliance

2 May, 2018WestRock trade union colleagues from US, Asia, Europe, Australia and Latin America, met on 20 April in London, UK. The meeting adopted a plan to establish a global alliance of all unions representing WestRock employees around the world.

IndustriALL Global Union signs global framework agreement with Essity

3 May, 2018On 4 May 2018, IndustriALL signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with hygiene and health company Essity, together with Swedish affiliate Unionen’s President Martin Linder, and the Essity European Works Council Chair Frank Gottselig from Germany (IG BCE).

Worker action succeeds at Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers

13 February, 2014178 paper sector workers employed by Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers (MSM) Ltd have staged a successful sit-in at the factory in protest at being laid off without compensation.

Huhtamaki cedes under charges of unfair labour practices

14 November, 2014Following the charges of unfair labour practices filed by the IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) to the U.S. National Labor Relations Board, Finnish-based packaging company Huhtamaki now needs to inform its employees about their rights at the plant in Commerce, California as settlement.

CMPC pulp and paper workers call for global agreement

9 December, 2016The IndustriALL trade union network at CMPC met on 6-7 December in Concepción, Chile, and met company management to establish regional industrial relations.

IndustriALL pulp and paper network in South East Asia honours Ikhsan and fights forward

31 August, 2017Representing tens of thousands of members, pulp and paper sector trade union affiliates of IndustriALL in South East Asia met in Jakarta, Indonesia on 24-25 August 2017. 

3,000 white-collar paper workers in Finland to strike

12 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On Monday 15 January, IndustriALL Global Union's Finnish affilaite, Pro, scored a victory after steadfast resistance from its members. Both trade union Pro and employers’ association, Finnish Forest Industries, approved the mediation proposal of the National Conciliator for the paper sector’s white-collar employees to increase salaries, and all strike actions were immediately cancelled. Pro succeeded in securing a pay rise for workers and resisted employers' demands to weaken the industry-wide collective agreement. 

IndustriALL, UNI and BWI sign global framework agreement with Stora Enso

19 January, 2018The three global unions today signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the renewable materials company Stora Enso at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, in the presence of ILO Director General Guy Ryder. Observer signatures were made by the presidents of the Swedish Paper Workers’ Union, the Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers’, and the Finnish Paper Workers’ Union.