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Cold Facts: H&M garments produced in miserable working conditions in Cambodia

6 November, 2012Kalla Fakta (Cold Facts), an investigative Swedish TV show on 24 October, exposed poor working and living conditions under which H&M, one of the leading fashion brand’s garment products are produced.

Three years after Tazreen fire, brands must pay compensation

19 November, 2015On the third anniversary of the Tazreen factory fire in Bangladesh, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on international brands that sourced from the garment factory to pay into the fund for victims. 

IndustriALL Global Union and H&M sign global framework agreement

3 November, 2015The world’s largest sectorial trade union organization, IndustriALL Global Union, representing 50 million workers, and the world’s leading garment retailer H&M have together with the Swedish trade union IF Metall signed a global framework agreement, protecting the interests of 1.6 million garment workers.

Cambodian unions consider strike action

9 October, 2015Independent garment unions in Cambodia will meet on 12 October to consider strike action after being let down by minimum wage negotiations which settled on US$140 a month for 2016.

FEATURE: A turnaround for South Africa’s textile industry?

4 December, 2015Historically one of the biggest garment producers on the African continent, South Africa has experienced falling production over the last 15 years. But 2015 has seen new energy injected in the textile industry where new jobs have been created.

Fashion’s True Cost is at workers’ expense

1 June, 2015The latest exposé of the global fashion industry ‘The True Cost’, released on 29 May, once again shines the spotlight on the appalling conditions faced by the workers that produce our clothes.

More action needed from Bangladesh Government

17 July, 2014The Bangladesh government must dramatically increase efforts to create a safe and sustainable garment industry, says IndustriALL Global Union in the wake of a damning evaluation of the Sustainability Compact.

Three textile unions form women’s committee in Lesotho

1 October, 2014“I want to work in a safe place and have a good salary and enough rest.” This was the testimonial from one young woman who participated in the meeting in Maseru on 24 and 25 September 2014.

Unsafe garment industry needs trade unions

12 September, 201411 September marked the second anniversary of the deadly fire at a factory owned by Ali Enterprises in Karachi. The fire was one of the worst industrial accidents in Pakistan; 259 workers died, many were seriously injured and 1,500 were left with no employment.

Over 11,600 Bangladesh garment workers lose jobs and face repression

11 February, 2019A massive wave of protesting garment workers demanding an increase of minimum wages swept across Bangladesh’s garment industry in December 2018 and January 2019. State repression following the protest has resulted in arrests and mass terminations of workers in more than a hundred garment manufacturing units.