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Showing 61-68 of 68 results

Japanese metalworkers secured the biggest pay rise since 1999

20 March, 2014The 2014 yearly wage bargaining Spring Labor Offensive by the Japanese metalworkers’ unions achieved reasonable results.

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions will focus on organizing Precarious Workers

20 November, 2013At IndustriALL Global Union’s Shipbuilding-shipbreaking Action group meeting on 12-14 November in Denmark, unions prioritized their activities on organizing and fighting precarious work and will start mapping Multinational Coorporation’s (MNC) in order to the possibilities of creating new trade union networks.

Strengthening unity in IndustriALL in Asia

30 April, 2013Metalworkers’ unions from the Asia Pacific region discussed organizing, union building and improving minimum wages at a meeting aimed to strengthen unity between the unions under the banner of IndustriALL Global Union.

Eliminate violence against women

16 November, 201225 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 2012 marks the 13th year that world civil society has commemorated this day, with the UN General Assembly designating the day at its 54th session.

STOP Precarious Work mobilization, October 2012

13 November, 2012At the IndustriALL founding Congress in Copenhagen in June 2012, affiliates resolved to support a global campaign to STOP Precarious Work, including mobilizing their members around October 7, the World Day for Decent Work.

Workers invade streets in London

25 October, 2012150,000 people came to London on 20 October 2012 to participate in union-organized actions against austerity imposed by the government.

Indian trade unions urge Odisha Government to ban asbestos

23 August, 2012Taking forward the Ban Asbestos campaign in India, on 11 August 2012, representatives of Indian central trade unions, IndustriALL Global Union and Building Workers’ International submitted a memorandum to the state labour and health ministers urging the Government of Odisha to ban asbestos.

Metalworkers give green light to IndustriALL

19 June, 2012800 delegates gathered at the IMF Congress in Copenhagen voted to join forces with mining and energy worker and create the new 50 million strong IndustriALL Global Union.