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Showing 21-30 of 85 results

Three Holcim workers killed and 8 injured in fire in Uganda

28 January, 2022Three workers died and eight were critically injured in a fire at the Hima cement plant, a subsidiary of Holcim, in Uganda on 15 January. The fire erupted during installation works on a diesel oil tank.

Unions mount pressure on LafargeHolcim

1 July, 2015Unions from all over the world launch a series of actions to combat LafargeHolcim’s resistance and make them start a genuine dialogue with workers and their representatives. Sign the online petition to support LafargeHolcim workers fighting for their rights.

Lafarge and Holcim workers mobilize for health and safety

30 April, 2015Lafarge and Holcim, the world’s biggest players in the cement industry preparing to merge, have been struck by mobilizations and actions of workers and their unions across the globe.

Mega merger in cement sector alarms workers

25 July, 2014As cement giants Holcim and Lafarge are merging, IndustriALL Global Union and the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBWW) met this week with the European Works Council (EWC) restricted committees from the two companies to discuss the situation.

Cement unions in India commit to strong organizing drive

26 February, 2019Over 30 Indian cement sector representatives of IndustriALL affiliates across India gathered in Delhi on 21-22 February and committed to improve social dialogue, union organizing and recruiting initiatives.

Cement union in India fights for contract workers’ wages

25 January, 2018IndustriALL Indian affiliate Chanda Cement Works Employees Union have signed a wage agreement covering over 1,000 contract workers at a Lafarge Holcim plant.

Cement workers launch global union network at HeidelbergCement

2 November, 2017Union delegates representing workers at HeidelbergCement, the world's second biggest cement and construction materials producer, have created a global trade union network.

Indonesian cement workers to benefit from OECD settlement

26 May, 2014Indonesian cement workers can look to better future at Indocement/HeidelbergCement after a complaint to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been settled.

LafargeHolcim message heard “Workers’ rights are human rights”

15 December, 2016LafargeHolcim workers, shop stewards, works councils and trade unions across the globe held actions on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December demanding the cement giant LafargeHolcim to respect human rights.

USW cement workers in Canada reach agreement with LafargeHolcim

11 May, 2016After several months of struggle and a three-month strike, cement workers at LafargeHolcim in Saint-Constant, Canada have won the battle in a conflict with the multinational cement producer.