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Workers at Italcementi prepare for a national strike

20 April, 2016The Italian unions Feneal Uil, Filca Cisl and Cgil Fillea representing Italcementi cement workers, have announced a strike in response to the industrial plan proposed by the government, which may result in 415 dismissals this year and further 250 redundancies in 2017.

Unions demand LafargeHolcim keeps its word and respects workers’ lives

8 May, 2018Unions protested outside Swiss company LafargeHolcim’s annual shareholders meeting near Zurich today, demanding that the cement giant keeps its word and signs a global framework agreement safeguarding workers’ rights at its operations worldwide.

North American unions ready to challenge cement multinationals

2 May, 201824 delegates from IndustriALL affiliates International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, International Brotherhood of Teamsters and United Steelworkers both from US and Canada met on 1 May in Washington D.C. to discuss and coordinate efforts to tackle developments and challenges faced by unions in the cement sector.

Cement unions in India commit to improve occupational health and safety

31 July, 2019Cement sector union representatives from different parts of India gathered at Chennai on 29-30 July 2019 to take stock and improve occupational health and safety (OHS) initiatives, social dialogue and union power.

India: fighting precarious work in the cement industry

8 July, 2015On 1 July a rally was organized by IndustriALL Global Union affiliate “Pragatisheel Cement Shramik Sangh” (Progressive Cement Workers Union) or PCSS for the redeployment and rehabilitation of more than 1000 cement workers in India.

Over 200 workers protest at Holcim’s AGM

18 April, 2013Workers from all over Europe were outside Holcim’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Switzerland, in protest against the Europe-wide job cuts and plant closures at Holcim sites.

Set Edi Iriawadi Free!

16 May, 2013Indonesian cement worker, Edi Iriawadi, was imprisoned after taking action to protect workers at Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa plant, which is part of the Heidelberg Cement Group, from intruders that entered the factory in September 2012. IndustriALL demands that Indonesian authorities and the company stop these violations.

New cement giant LafargeHolcim ignores the voice of employees

18 June, 2015More than 60 delegates representing workers of two merging cement multinationals Lafarge and Holcim from all continents gathered on 16 and 17 June in Egerkingen, Switzerland to discuss challenges and consequences faced by the workforce during and after the mega-merger process.

Cement unions commit to reinforce organizing in the Philippines

18 February, 2016Having come together for a workshop on 13 – 14  February in Manila, Philippines, cement unions developed a national plan on organizing and recruiting of cement workers and precarious workers in the sector. 

Unions from the US and Canada create network in the cement sector

12 September, 2016On 8 September 2016, unions from the United States and Canada representing workers in the rapidly changing cement sector met in Washington D.C. to discuss future cooperation.