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Showing 11-20 of 371 results

Colombia: USO victory as oilfield comes under state control

7 July, 2016After a five-year campaign, Colombian oil workers’ union USO, has won a major victory as state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol, takes full control of the country’s largest oilfield at Campo Rubiales.

200,000 Argentinean workers march against dismissals and price hikes

7 September, 2016Expressing their opposition to dismissals and huge price rises during three days of protests, 200,000 workers took to the streets in a nationwide march on 2 September.

Metalworkers in Brazil launch campaign for jobs and rights

14 September, 201615,000 members from the Curitiba Metalworkers’ Union (SMC) in Brazil demonstrated at Volvo, CNH, Bosch, WHB Correo and Renault factories on 5 September, launching a national campaign to defend their rights and call for more jobs and economic recovery.

Executive Committee calls for greater solidarity

2 May, 2018The need for solidarity to defend trade union rights and challenge violations in global supply chains underlined discussions at IndustriALL’s Executive Committee Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 26 and 27 April. 

Latin America and the Caribbean activates its strategic plan for the region

24 May, 201890 trade union representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the Second Regional Conference of IndustriALL in Panama, to redefine its strategic plan and promote the participation of the affiliates in its implementation.

Global framework agreements are strategic tools

12 November, 2018IndustriALL’s global framework agreement (GFA) working group met at the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, on 8 and 9 November to report on how GFAs are being implemented, and look at ways of strengthening them. 

CTM intimidate Teksid, Gunderson and Pytco workers at court hearing

29 January, 2015On 22 January, 350 thugs from the non-independent Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) surrounded the Local Conciliation and Arbitration Board building in Monclova, Mexico. The board was dealing with a request by the National Miners’ Union (SNTMMSRM) to schedule a vote on which union should have collective bargaining rights at Gunderson, Teksid and Pytco.

IndustriALL delegates agree actions and strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean

14 April, 2015More than 80 delegates from 14 countries attended the second IndustriALL Global Union Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on 9 April in Mexico. Participants agreed on a series of actions and strategies over the coming months to achieve their objectives.

IndustriALL calls on Ecopetrol to reinstate dismissed USO leader

7 April, 2015Edwin Palma, USO vice president, was dismissed by the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol on 27 March after he used social networks to publicise the salaries of company managers. IndustriALL Global Union considers the dismissal to have been unfair and illegal and is calling for Palma’s immediate reinstatement.

Chemical unions determined to defend and advance workers’ rights

12 May, 2015Around 200 delegates from some 40 countries representing chemical workers gathered in Hannover, Germany on 6 - 7 May. Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Chemical Industries debated challenges and identified responses of the unions.