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Showing 21-30 of 371 results

Colourful rally opens World Social Forum in Tunisia

28 March, 2013Tens of thousands of people rally in the streets as the World Social Forum opens in Tunis. “Another world is possible” confirm the demonstrators, demanding social justice instead of neo-liberal policies.

EU must push for fundamental rights in Bangladesh garment sector

6 May, 2013The global union movement has welcomed the European Commission's commitment to press Bangladesh to meet international labour standards.

IndustriALL promotes rights of garment workers in Bangladesh

22 February, 2013A multi-stakeholder meeting in Dhaka convened by IndustriALL underlines need for urgent progress on workers’ rights, minimum wages and fire safety in order to secure a sustainable future for the garment industry in Bangladesh.

Rana Plaza survivors encouraged by Bangladesh Accord

21 October, 2013A group of survivors of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh say they have been encouraged by news of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety, the landmark agreement that aims to improve factory safety in the country’s garment sector, but called on global brands to step up compensation payments.

Energy Unions lay out roadmap “Towards Sustainable, Social and Safe Energy Policies”

12 April, 2014Attending IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Energy Industries, some 250 union leaders from 45 countries adopted an ambitious and vibrant plan of action for the next four years reinforcing unity and fighting back against similar anti-worker tactics throughout the world.

Swedish unions help to strengthen their Latin American peers

18 April, 2019Representatives from Swedish unions IF Metall and Unionen met with IndustriALL Global Union leaders in Uruguay to plan the project to build union power in Latin America.

Sustainable energy policies vital, say electricity and nuclear unions

25 July, 2018Countries need to develop sustainable, mixed energy policies to ensure a continuous power supply, said representatives of trade unions representing electricity and nuclear workers meeting in St Petersburg, Russia, on 24 July.

Gerdau-Diaco worker who chained himself to factory gates wins a victory

18 July, 2013The action taken by a Gerdau worker in Colombia combined with national and international solidarity have led the company to agree to pay him health insurance for six years.

African unions confront precarious work

29 January, 2014Meeting in Togo, affiliates from 13 African countries evaluated their successes and challenges in 2013 and strategized how they will continue to make progress against precarious work in 2014.

Colombian unions take action to recruit outsourced workers

17 August, 2015The Colombian trade unions Sintracarbón and USO have been successful in recruiting new members among outsourced workers, as they explained at a recent seminar on how to fight outsourcing, held on 28-29 July 2015 in Bogota.