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Showing 191-200 of 247 results

Turkish glass strike ban taken to ILO with official complaint

23 July, 2014Glass workers union in Turkey, Kristal-İş, has lodged an official complaint against the Turkish government at the ILO, for violation of freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and the right to strike.

IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates central in Serbian general strike

22 July, 2014Trade unions in Serbia conducted a nationwide general strike on 17 July in rejection of the government’s plan to cut wages and working conditions.

Unions reject disastrous Peruvian reforms

18 July, 2014Unions in Peru are fighting to stop a harmful package of economic incentives from becoming law. The proposed measures are aimed at attracting foreign investment and boosting growth at the expense of workplace health and safety and the environment.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.

Employers deny the international right to strike

19 June, 2014At the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June 2014, during the discussions in the Committee on Application of Standards, the Employers’ Group persisted to deny that the right to strike forms part of the ILO Convention 87, thus undermining the decades’ long practice of international law application.

Campaign for mine safety in Turkey targets precarious work

29 May, 2014Turkish unions have been vociferous in their campaign against illegal and irresponsible outsourcing and subcontracting in the country on the occasion of the Soma industrial homicide.

Rising death toll turns mine accident in Turkey to carnage

14 May, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and its worldwide family mourn the deaths of hundreds of mineworkers in Soma, Manisa province in Western Turkey. As of the time of writing, 205 miners are dead and more than 80 are hospitalized. Rescue efforts continue to safeguard hundreds more miners trapped underground. Oxygen is still being pumped into the mine, however hopes are diminishing.

Victory of trade unions in Kyrgyzstan

28 April, 2014In the middle of March IndustriALL Global Union organized the international campaign of solidarity in protection of the rights of workers in Kyrgyzstan. As the result of this campaign the antistrike draft of law was blocked.

“Put Industry Back to Work”, demand European Trade Unions

3 April, 2014Just ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections, European trade unions accepted a manifesto demanding to “Put Industry Back to Work” at an Extraordinary Executive Committee meeting of IndustriAll European Trade Union on April 2 in Madrid.

Analysis of labour conflicts and protests in Russia

24 March, 2014The recent research of the Center for Social and Labor Rights (CSLR) called “Labour Protests in Russia in 2008-2013” gives an insight into labour conflicts and protests in Russia for the last six years.