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Showing 21-30 of 83 results

Workers fired by Goodyear Mexico continue their fight

26 September, 2018Workers fired two months ago by Goodyear for setting up a trade union are still fighting to get their jobs back.

VW workers declare indefinite strike against redundancies at Taubaté plant in Brazil

24 August, 2015On 17 August, Volkswagen announced that 100 workers are to lose their jobs at its plant in Taubaté, Brazil. Workers have responded by declaring an indefinite strike. IndustriALL Global Union offers its support and solidarity to the workers and calls on the company to negotiate in order to avoid an unwanted dispute.

ArcelorMittal closes plant in Trinidad & Tobago leaving 600 workers unemployed

30 March, 2016ArcelorMittal has closed down its steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago after adopting a policy of temporary lay-offs during the last four months. More than 600 workers have lost their jobs and are working hard to find a solution.

Trinidad &Tobago workers march for equality, jobs and justice

7 August, 2017Workers in Trinidad and Tobago marched through Port of Spain on 4 August to demand a more equal society, measures to combat unemployment and justice to reduce crime.

Belarus: trade unionists among 50 arrested following protests

16 March, 2017Some 50 people in Belarus, including at least 12 trade unionists, have been brutally arrested in retaliation to a series of mass protests against a presidential decree imposing a tax on the unemployed. 

Trade union centres in Brazil lead protests against Temer

6 July, 2017Workers in Brazil held a national day of action and strikes on 30 June to protest against reforms promoted by Michel Temer’s government. 

FUP Brazil takes action to defend Petrobras

23 June, 201614 June was a day of struggle for Brazil’s oil industry workers defending the state oil company Petrobras and the Pre-Salt oilfields. Workers have called on the general public to unite to resist and win the battle.

Los Mineros wins right to represent workers at Teksid Mexico after 4-year struggle

5 July, 2018Los Mineros of Mexico won a trade union election giving it the exclusive right to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) at the Teksid company after a four-year struggle. This represents a real triumph for all those who defend freedom of association in the country.

Brazil's trade union centres seek to further the country's development

26 July, 2018Brazil's seven trade union centres have come together to launch a "Priority Agenda for the Working Class", which includes recommendations on how to further the country's development. They are also organizing a national day against unemployment on 10 August.

Caribbean unions continue to strengthen outreach and cooperation in the region

21 November, 2018Condemnation of the attacks on trade union rights and the crisis in the oil and steel industries in the Caribbean were high on the agenda of IndustriALL Global Union’s Caribbean meeting held in Paramaribo in Suriname on 12-13 November.