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17 August, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s Thai affiliates have maintained their campaign for the ratification of ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since June, union leaders have lobbied government officials and educated members on the substance of Convention 190.

Visiting the department
On 30 June, women leaders of Thai Labor Reconciliation Committee paid a visit to the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development. The delegates briefed government officials on the importance of ratifying ILO Convention 183 on maternity protection and Convention 190.

Talking to government
Moreover, the union urged the government to strengthen women’s empowerment measures, encouraging men to share responsibility for nurturing children and develop paternity skills. These steps can reduce the routine family work of wives after giving birth.

Two week later, the Confederation of Industrial Labour of Thailand (CILT) organized a meeting on sharing knowledge during Covid-19. The meeting also explained the importance of ratifying Convention 190.
Ruengrung Vichianpong, the women leader of CILT says:
“Gender equality is a crucial part of our union work. We endeavour to utilize every channel we have to promote women rights. I took part in television interviews, attended meeting with local unionists to talk about gender issues, including Convention 190.
“The CILT women’s committee joined a programme organized by the department with the aim of eliminating discrimination against women. On 14-15 August, we will organize a youth seminar on gender-based discrimination, Convention 190 and realizing equality at workplaces.”
IndustriALL South East Asia regional secretary Annie Adviento says:
“Right after Uruguay ratified Convention 190 in 2019, Fiji ensued and ratified the convention in June 2020. I really hope that Thailand becomes the first Asian country to ratify the convention, sending a bold message to Asian leaders.
“I wish Thai affiliates continue the good work on gender equality and women rights, particularly the yearly activities in conjunction with International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November.”